Landtag – Munich – Closure of the Schliersee senior citizens’ residence is not an isolated case – Bavaria
Munich (dpa / lby) – The closure of the Schliersee senior citizens’ residence due to lack of care is not an isolated case in Bavaria. According to the Ministry of Health in Munich, there are currently at least two so-called operating prohibition procedures in old people’s homes in Bavaria. “In addition, one facility in Coburg closed on its own initiative in August, and another one in Burglengenfeld in September, each in anticipation of an operating prohibition procedure,” reported a ministry spokeswoman on Tuesday.
The home in Schliersee in Upper Bavaria (Miesbach district) had to close at the end of September after the supervisory authority intervened and the care funds terminated the supply contract. The Munich II public prosecutor’s office has long been investigating dozens of cases on suspicion of bodily harm. There are said to have been neglected and malnourished people in the home, and patients are also being examined.
On Tuesday, the home was the topic of the state parliament’s health committee. The ministry submitted a report on this, which Bayerische Rundfunk had reported on beforehand. “There are currently several facilities in Bavaria that are to be seen in connection with an operating ban,” says the report.
In the past, inspections in other homes have also revealed “significant deficiencies”. In 2019, such deficiencies were documented in 173 facilities, according to the report. “There is a significant deficiency when there is a risk to life, health or freedom of the resident.”
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