CoV requirements: Chamber of Labor demands more involvement
Because the PCR tests were not evaluated in time, the phones at the Salzburg Chamber of Labor (AK) are also getting hot. Many workers and employees could not come to work due to missing test results, says AK President Peter Eder. Affected people too. You are not allowed to enter companies or restaurants.
These massive problems have been foreseeable for a long time, says Eder. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the AK has not been involved enough by the State of Salzburg as a social partner and employee representative, criticizes the Salzburg AK President:
“In the last time we were informed twice about the plans for the 2.5 G regulation. But we were never involved. But I informed the governor by email where we see the problems here. In the future we have to offer the lowest possible vaccination offers. “
AK calls for massive test expansion
Vaccination buses and vaccination routes have to be further expanded, says Eder: “We will have to build a structure that allows everyone to pass tests and tests themselves anytime and anywhere. It will not work alone with a retail chain. We will have to include doctors, pharmacies, many trading companies and communities. “
Otherwise everything will sink into chaos and the acceptance of the CoV measures in the population will be even lower than before, emphasized the President of the Chamber of Labor.
Statement by the state government
“The tendering of the tests is binding via the Federal Procurement Agency – a federal institution. The requirements for distribution, evaluation and reporting of results were defined there, “says Franz Wieser, spokesman for the Salzburg state government, about the Chamber of Labor’s criticism.
The bidding consortium around Novogenia emerged as the best bidder for this procedure: “That is why it is not possible to untie this package here. That would almost certainly have serious consequences under public procurement law. “
The state of Salzburg is obliged to act in accordance with public procurement law, according to state spokesman Franz Wieser. The country is always ready for talks with the Chamber of Labor and the social partners: “And we thank you for constructive support in this difficult situation.”