will the Flemish climate plan enable Belgium to distribute the efforts to be made for the climate? Minister Henry reacts
Clearly, if Flanders does less than the average requested, the other entities will have to step up their efforts. “It is clear that there is not obviously a global agreement since we know that the ambition will probably be 47% for Belgium. However, the government announces us actions for 40%”, reacted Philippe Henry, the Walloon Minister for the climate, who chairs the negotiations between the Belgian entities with a view to a common “Belgian” position.
“We are obviously in difficulty,” adds Philippe Henry. However, “we must analyze in more detail what exactly these measures cover and in what ways they add up and integrate with the measures also taken by the federal government on the whole of the territory”, prosecution of the Walloon climate minister.
Attempted Belgian-Belgian agreement next week?
Belgium does not have the obligation to reach an agreement in Glasgow, before the end of next week and the meetings of the COP 26. However, believes Philippe Henry, “it would be much better if Belgium could announce that it has found a way to achieve the climate objectives on its territory”.
His federal colleague, Zakia Khattabi (Ecolo), said earlier in the morning, “disappointed” of this Flemish agreement which, despite a higher ambition than that displayed so far by the north of the country, “remains well below what Europe is asking for”.
The Energy and Climate Ministers are meeting this Friday afternoon by videoconference to examine a compromise proposal tabled by Walloon Minister Philippe Henry, who currently chairs the National Climate Commission (CNC).