▷ The situation on the labor market in October 2021 – unemployment remains stable at …
05.11.2021 – 17:12
Principality of Liechtenstein
Vaduz (ots)
At the end of October, 305 unemployed persons were registered with the Liechtenstein Labor Market Service (AMS FL), 4 fewer than in the previous month. The unemployment rate in October 2021 will remain unchanged from the previous month at 1.5%. Compared to the same month last year, unemployment fell by 72 people (-19.1%). The unemployment rate fell by 0.4 percentage points compared to the same month last year.
Youth unemployment
Youth unemployment (15 to 24 year olds) fell by one person (-3%) to 32. Compared to the same month last year, this corresponds to a decrease of 4 people (-11.1%). The youth unemployment rate is 1.5 percent. Compared to the same month last year, this decreased by -0.2 percentage points.
Other age groups
In the age group between 25 and 49, unemployment remained unchanged compared to the previous month at 170 people. This corresponds to a rate of 1.6 percent (previous month 1.6%).
In the 50+ age group, unemployment fell by 3 people (-2.8%) to 103. This corresponds to a rate of 1.4 percent (previous month 1.4%).
Intermediate persons
88 people were working on interim earnings at the end of October. Compared to the previous month, this number has increased by 1 (+1.1%). Compared to the same month last year, this corresponds to a decrease of 10 people (-10.2%). Interim earnings are any income from self-employed or employed work, whereby the receipt of daily unemployment benefits is also suspended or reduced.
Dynamics of entries and exits at AMS FL
The number of accesses to AMS FL in the month under review is 61 people. The number of deaths corresponds to 8 people (+ 15.1%) more than in the previous month. The number of departures is believed to be 55 people. That is 6 people (+ 12.2%) more than in the previous month. Compared to the same month last year, this corresponds to a reduction of 21 people (-27.6%).
Reported vacancies
The number of jobs registered with AMS FL is 934 compared to 872 in the previous month (+ 7.1%). Compared to the same month last year, 200 jobs (+ 27.2%) more are registered.
Short-time work
By the reporting month, 885 companies had registered a right to compensation for short-time work in accordance with the COVID-19-ALVV. The effective payouts of short-time working allowances due to COVID-19 continue to decline.
AMS FL offers service for employers and job seekers
As a partner of the economy, the Liechtenstein Labor Market Service AMS FL, as the department of the Office for Economics, offers information, advice and an extensive personnel service. The AMS FL web portal (www.ams.li) contains valuable information for job seekers and companies. In addition, AMS FL offers a job exchange on Facebook for job seekers and employers (www.facebook.com/AMSFL).
The contact for employers who have vacancies to fill are the personnel consultants of the AMS FL; Telephone 236 68 75 or email to [email protected].
Press contact:
Office for Economics
Katja Gey, head of department
T +423 236 68 80