Which are the companies and leaders with the best reputation in Portugal in 2021? Rui Nabeiro leads tables – Executive Digest
In 2021, the Merco ranking of companies with the best reputation in Portugal and led by the Nabeiro Group, followed by Sonae and Microsoft. In 4th place comes Jerónimo Martins and 5th to EDP, followed by Ikea (6th), Vodafone (7th), Lidl (8th), Nestlé (9th) and Galp Energia (10th).
In the sector rankings we find in first place in each classification: Nabeiro Group (Food), Accenture (Auditing and Consulting), BMW (Automobile), Santander Totta (Banking), Super Bock Group (Beverages), Ikea (Specialized Distribution), Jerónimo Martins (Major Distribution), Renova (Drug and Perfumery), Samsung (Consumer Electronics, IT), Adecco (ETT and Human Resources Services), Pfizer (Pharmaceutical), Sonae (Corporate Holding), Pestana Hotel Group (Hospitality and Tourism) , Amorim Corticeira (Industry), Microsoft (Informatics & Software), Brisa – Motorways of Portugal (Infrastructure and Construction), Commercial Radio (Media), EDP-Energias (Oil, Gas, Energy and Water), Luz Saúde (Health ) ), Tranquilidade (Insurance), Google (Internet Services), Talkdesk (Professional Services), Faurecia (Technical / Industrial), Vodafone (Telecommunications), Luis Simões Integrated Logistics (Goods Transport and Logistics) and CP – Comboios de Portugal (Transportation of pass ageiros).
An analysis of the revelation of the ‘stakeholders’ that Grupo Nabeiro (Delta Cafés) is the most valued company by economic journalists, members of the Government, NGO leaders, union leaders, consumer associations and professors in the business area. For its part, Microsoft is the most valued by financial analysts.
For a general population (Merco Consumo), the Nabeiro Group (Delta Cafés) is once again the most voted, followed by Microsoft (2nd) and Lidl (3rd). In the digital field (Methodology), Samsung, Lidl and Huawei occupy the top three positions.
Merco Leaders Portugal 2021
Rui Miguel Nabeiro (1st), from the Nabeiro Group (Delta Cafés); Pedro Soares Dos Santos (2nd), by Jerónimo Martins; Paulo de Azevedo (3rd), from Sonae; Paula Amorim (4th), from Corticeira Amorim; Cláudia Azevedo (5th), from Sonae; Mário Vaz (6th), from Vodafone; Fernando Ulrich (7th), from Banco BPI; Alexandre Fonseca (8th), from MEO (Altice); Francisco Pedro Balsemão (9th), from the IMPRESA Group (SIC); and Luís Portela (10th), from Bial, occupy the top places in the table.
The elaboration of the Merco Empresas e Líderes study is in charge of Analysis and Research, the first Spanish market research institute, and the methodology for preparing the ranking of companies with the best reputation was independently reviewed by KPMG, in accordance with the ISAE3000 standard . For this reason, KPMG does not disclose its position in this ranking.
The survey included the participation of 179 executives from large companies, 41 economic information journalists, 30 government officials, 30 business professors, 36 financial analysts, 30 Dircoms and opinion leaders, 35 heads of NGOs, 35 union leaders, 30 heads of consumer associations and 800 citizens (Merco Consumo). In addition to reports, it also includes an analysis of the reputation in the digital sphere of companies (Merco Digital), with more than 210,614 mentions, and the reality of these through an assessment of reputational merits, by 18 companies.