Near Toulouse.  He hits an employee who asks him for his health pass: the convicted paramedic

Near Toulouse. He hits an employee who asks him for his health pass: the convicted paramedic

Alexandre Hagenauer-Létang, hospital services officer at the NephroCare dialysis center in Muret, was assaulted after requesting a health pass on September 3, 2021. (© DR)

He knows his sentence, two months, to the day, after the fact. On Wednesday November 3, 2021, an ambulance driver was sentenced to six months suspended sentence, without registration in the criminal record, for having struck a hospital services officer (ASH) at the dialysis center in NephroCare a Low wall, near Toulouse.

He breaks two ribs for a health pass

The facts date back to September 3. Alexandre Hagenauer-Létang, ASH at NephroCare, asks a paramedic to present his pass sanitary at the entrance to the dialysis center, as stipulated by the regulations. This last refusal and the situation escalates.

The paramedic becomes violent and physically assaults this 31-year-old man. The verdict is final for Alexandre Hagenauer-Létang: two broken ribs, great pain and real anguish at the idea of ​​meeting this individual again at his workplace.

“I am still anxious”

The sentence fell this Wednesday, November 3. But if the six-month suspended sentence satisfies the victim, she still regrets the non-registration in the criminal record.

“Two months later, I’m moderately well. In recent weeks, stress still owes me a rash.

Alexandre Hagenauer-LétangASH at NephroCare Muret

NephroCare claims 8,000 euros in damages

This affair leaves him with a “bitter taste” and directly impacts his salary. “Since I returned to work on September 25, I have changed jobs, asserting my right of withdrawal. As a result, I have lost 300 euros gross on average since I no longer do my old job… ”, he testifies.

Civil proceedings are being considered to discuss possible financial compensation. For its part, NephroCare France claims 8,000 euros in damages to the paramedic.

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