A Just Russia will abstain from voting on the regional government bill – Gazeta.Ru

A Just Russia will abstain from voting on the regional government bill – Gazeta.Ru

04 November 2021, 18:58

The A Just Russia faction is likely to abstain from voting on the regional government’s bill in the first reading. Party leader Sergei Mironov told Gazeta.Ru about this.

The bill presupposes the unification of public power in Russia – in accordance with its text, Tatarstan will be deprived of the right to call its head “president”. In addition, in all regions, the limitation on the term of governors’ tenure in power will be lifted.

According to Mironov, he considers the new document important and necessary after the amendments to the country’s Constitution in 2020. In this case, the current text of the bill represents the faction leader questions.

“And we would be ready, without his support, if this legislative initiative were worked out like this. In the meantime, there are doubts. For example, is it really necessary to remove the limitation on the number of re-election of heads of regions? “- the leader of the Socialist-Revolutionaries doubts. In his opinion, this norm was in the past the most authoritative governors.

Mironov also recalled that in the Soviet Union “stagnation in personnel and stagnation in the economy were phenomena of the same order.”

The leader of the parliamentary party also defended the position of Tatarstan, which was the only one among the regions to speak out against the project.

“Tatarstan, one of the largest constituent entities of the Russian Federation, belongs to the second largest Russian people. For some, the question of whether the governor is in charge of the regions, just the head or the president, is of no fundamental importance. But in Tatarstan it has! And this must be reckoned with, ”Mironov is sure.

The Just Russians will decide to vote on the regional government bill after discussion in the faction. However, Mironov, that, most likely, the Socialist-Revolutionaries will abstain from voting in the first reading and will support him in case of correcting controversial issues in the second.

Previously “Gazeta.Ru” wrotethat the bill on regional power will begin to be considered in the State Duma on November 9. The text offers the proposed opportunity to propose a bill from the head of the subjects out of office, not only due to corruption, but also due to the loss of confidence. In this case, the head of the region himself will have the right to dissolve the local parliament.



