Warsaw. 47. The Powązki Appeal will last three days
On Saturday morning, the 47th Kwesta Powązkowska came out. This year, in addition to liturgy data on the advancement of tombstones and monuments, there is an opportunity for online success. In 2020, PLN 200,000 was collected.
photo: mat. archives
“I cordially invite everyone to this year’s fundraiser in Stare Powązki. It will last three days: October 30 and 31 and November 1 on All Saints’ Day (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) from the beginning of nine to the evening hours ”- Marcin Święcicki informed the Social Committee for the Care of Old Powązki.
Investors with a can and a band on the sleeve with the inscription “We are saving Powązki Monuments” will be able to connect at the gates and cemetery alleys. “As a substitute for the old ones, going will be the first step that a friend is taking with him also in the cemetery areas. Do not disappoint them this year as well” – Supporting Święcicki
The Mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, is also encouraging to participate in the note. “Local traditions, customs – such as the annual Powązki Investigation – all of this make up the intangible heritage of the Capital City of Warsaw. Let’s cherish them and take care of them configured” – said Trzaskowski in the video announcing the issue.
In turn, his deputy, Aldona Machnowska-Góra, reminded that this year, in addition to the traditional database for the renovation of tombstones and monuments of restoration, it will be possible to process money online at the Powązki Cemetery. “Let us not forget that the monuments of the region are noticed by those from Nielikrow, which have survived the traces of the world” – Machnowska-Góra Analysis. The collection is active at the link: https://zrzutka.pl/kwesta.
During this year’s questioning of the members of the Social Welfare Committee and the Old Powązki Jerzy Waldorff – during the office servicing of the Capital City of Culture and the Capital Conator of Monuments – he also signed the entry “All Souls’ Collection in Stare Powązki” on the national list of intangible cultural heritage.
During the fundraising event, the guide “Immaterial Warsaw. Common heritage of our city ”, which will be available on the website https://kultura.um.warszawa.pl and postcards of thanks for participating in the achievements.
The issue in Powązki was initiated by the founder and patron of the Committee, Jerzy Waldorff in 1975. “The Warsaw elite of actors said, today, teachers today. This is the way it is, the truth of Jerzy Waldorff has not been with us for twenty years” – emphasizes Marcin Święcicki
He also informed that, according to the pandemic, this year’s conservation program was at the level of previous years. “We renovated 17 tombstones, the main ones in sections 13, 14, 15 and 16 along the avenue from the St. Honorata to the Catacombs. From the funds that we commission during this year’s collection to implement the conditions for moving to the scope of activities in the next “- recommendation.
The Powązki Cemetery was established thanks to Melchior Szymanowski, who in 1750 donated 2.4 ha of land for the purpose of a Catholic cemetery. The first to be extended to Powązki was Father Wincentytłomiej, whose achievement was buried in Bar in 1791. Many good Poles are buried in the cemetery, incl. Władysław Reymont, Leopold Staff, Maria Dąbrowska, Stanisława Moniuszko, Henryka Wieniawski, Jan Kiepure and Stefan Wiechecki.