Stricter corona measures in six federal states

Stricter corona measures in six federal states

Nationwide, there is only a minimum number of regulations that must be complied with. In the meantime, six countries have independently established more extensive rules. Most recently, on Friday, Tyrol, Upper Austria and Carinthia announced tightening.

From the age of twelve only PCR test in Vienna

Vienna has long since had its own line that is rewarded with surprisingly few infections for a city of millions. FFP2 is a key requirement for all retailers. In addition, 2-G gold-plated in night gastronomy. That is, one must be vaccinated or have recovered within the last six months to be able to enter clubs or discos. In principle, only PCR tests are accepted for those over the age of twelve. In addition, these are only valid for 48 hours.

2-G in Styria

The regulations presented last Wednesday in Styria are based on the rules in the federal capital, but will only apply from November 8th. The 2-G rule then applies in night-time catering and at events with more than 500 people. This means that participants must be vaccinated or have recovered. In addition, there is an FFP2 mask requirement in customer areas, at cultural events and at religious gatherings. In the future, employees and visitors in hospitals, health resorts and nursing homes will be required to carry out a PCR test if they have not recovered or have not been vaccinated. The same is gilded for the staff in ordinations. The validity remains at 72 hours.

FFP2 compulsory in retail in Upper Austria

In Upper Austria, an FFP2 obligation has been gilding in all retail since this Friday (October 29) – also in cultural institutions where no 3G rule is gilding (e.g. in museums and libraries). In cinemas or theaters as well as body-hugging service providers there is no mask requirement, you have to present a 3G certificate. As in Styria, 2G will come into force in Upper Austria from November 8th in night restaurants and at events with more than 500 people – this was decided on Friday due to the sharp rise in the number of infections.


Upper Austria is also tightening the corona measures and introducing the 2-G rule for night restaurants and major events. (SYMBOL IMAGE)

Upper Austria tightened corona measures

After Styria and Tyrol, Upper Austria is now tightening the corona regulations for unvaccinated people: From November 8th, night gastronomy and events with more than 500 people will apply …

Tyrol tightened access restrictions

In Tyrol, too, a 2-G rule was announced this Friday from November 8th, also for night-time gastronomy and in discotheques, as well as for events with more than 500 people. In addition, a general FFP2 mask requirement will be introduced in all retail stores as well as in museums, libraries and shopping centers in Tyrol.

And Carinthia also decided on Friday to introduce measures like those in Tyrol and Upper Austria. However, the 2-G rule in night-time catering and for gatherings without assigned seats for 500 people or more already applies there on November 4th. The same is gold-plated for the FFP2 obligation in the entire trade as well as in cultural institutions in which the 3-G rule is not gold-plated.

Salzburg with FFP2 compulsory and more PCR tests

This FFP2 obligation is already established (also for body-hugging service providers such as hairdressers) in the state of Salzburg. As in Vienna, there are plans to replace the antigen tests (which, however, are also accepted in the federal capital for 3-G in the workplace) with the reliable PCR tests.

Nationwide corona rules

Apart from these special rules, there are also the minimum federal rules that apply everywhere else (Burgenland, Vorarlberg, Lower Austria). This means that the FFP2 mask can only be worn in stores where daily needs are met (e.g. in supermarkets and other grocery stores as well as pharmacies and drug stores). Otherwise, only those who have not been vaccinated or have recovered need to put on the FFP2 mask. For events from 25 people, 3G applies, as well as in normal gastronomy and body-hugging services. In night dining, a PCR test is a prerequisite if you want to go inside.

Measures adjusted to numbers

Of course, the rules could change again soon. Because probably around this weekend 300 corona patients will already be in intensive care units (as of Friday: 280) – One week after this value, stage two of the government’s tiered plan will come into effect. This not only means an end to the living room tests, but also the Austria-wide introduction of 2G in night-time catering and for events from 500 people. And for the following weekend, Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) expects the flow of 400 corona intensive patients, which would result in level 3 coming into force immediately. Then in areas with 3G the antigen test loses its validity in all of Austria. This means that there would only be people who have been vaccinated, who have recovered or who have had a current PCR test (2.5 G rule).

(Source: APA)



