The obligation to wear a mask indoors has returned to San Marino

The obligation to wear a mask indoors has returned to San Marino

The obligation to wear a mask indoors returns to San Marino, when it is not possible to maintain the spacing of 1.5 meters. This is foreseen by one of the amendments to the Covid Decree, ratified during the night session in the Council. Exempt from the obligation i children under six and subjects with incompatible forms of disability with continued use of the mask. The use of wind shields is not allowed.

Other changes have also been made to Decree 173 in force until 12 November. There the duration of the Covid certification (the San Marino green pass) is extended from 9 to 12 months. Expanded the possibilities for pregnant workers, during a health emergency, to ask early abstention from work. The from mode is recommended remote for meetings and assemblies. Conventions, meetings and congresses can be held with a maximum capacity of 80% and mandatory mask.

Given the health emergency, in the event of a shortage of personnel, the ISS is authorized to issue international calls for the permanent hiring of health and social health personnel even if there are personnel with qualified skills in the start-up lists. Secretary Ciavatta explained that there is a need to recruit additional nurses and obs, in addition to those who, due to the fixed-term contract, while working remain registered on the job start-up lists. (The reintroduction of the obligation to wear a mask indoors and all the other changes decided this night by the Great and General Council, will become effective as soon as the decree 173 is ratified, will be published in the Official Bulletin. The publication will take place in a clearly short time)

Ciavatta also has the possibility of new measures to be introduced after 12 November has been announced taking into account the evolution of the pandemic. About that Zonzini di Rete wished for the Italians non-residents e without green pass, who in San Marino frequent restaurants and clubs to which they would not be admitted across the border. A situation, he said, that it exposes to health risks and also to the risk of damaging relations with Rome, because it could appear an attempt by San Marino to profit from the differences in the anti-contagion rules. A position, that of Zonzini, shared by Network colleague Spagni Reffi and also by some directors of Libera and RF.

The session, late at night, continued with the ratification of the tourist cooperation agreement with Greece, membership of the Statute of the Renewable Energy Agency and the ratification of the Amending Protocol of‘Agreement on radio and television matters signed last September 27 in Rome. Last act of the October session the rejection of the agenda of RF, supported by Libera, to ask for a hearing in Commission III of the JRC with a reference from BCSM on emergencies and prospects of the banking system, in the light of recent events concerning a supervised entity. For the Secretary of Finance Marco Gatti are base rumors on problems in the banking system or a supervised entity. In reply, Nicola Renzi, of RF, has announced a flurry of interpellations. Emanuele Santi, from Rete, spoke of “unjustified alarmism”, in the light of checks and information in his possession.



