We have reserved a special place for you. Siena at the theater – WWWITALIA
“We have reserved a special place for you “: this is the slogan with which i Theaters of Siena they decide to reopen the curtain, presenting the 2021-2022 theater season. A return to normality, with one hundred percent of the audience capacity and with a billboard full of shows, including prose, dance, music and the first theatrical production of the Municipality of Siena, strongly desired by the mayor Luigi De Mossi and signed by the artistic director Alessandro Welcome. Silvio Orlando, Monica Guerritore, Anna Maria Guarnieri, Ugo Chiti and Mario Luzi, as well as Alessandro Benvenuti himself, the best known names who will alternate on the Sienese stages, which will also host the “SCA – Siena Città Aperta” exhibition with local companies.
To open the season on November 19, 20 and 21 “Certain to exist” first theatrical production of the Municipality of Siena directed by the artistic director Alessandro Benvenuti. Following the auditions made last spring, an all-Sienese cast was born that will stage the meta-theatrical show: the story of a story of five actors, who have always lived in the shadow of an author-father-master who gave them the lymph so that the destinies born under bad stars of each of them, would cloak themselves in the golden garments of success. Thirty years together to find in our hands a silly, cumbersome text, ugly in an inexplicable way, a bite rather than bitter soaked in pure poison. But nothing will be as it seems and the surprise will catch the public unprepared.
“I do not deny feeling a certain emotion to be on this stage and as artistic director to finally be able to present a complete theater season – he explains the artistic director of the Theaters of Siena Alessandro Benvenuti – I never managed to
complete a billboard, at least for the winter season. Now back to the theater and in attendance. Taking a little step back I want to thank you first
the whole Theater Office: thanks to them we were able to present to the city, despite all the difficulties and difficulties of the case, a very rich summer season, which was a great success with the public and which, in an exceptional location such as Piazza Duomo, welcomed the great names of the Italian show business. After the summer we immediately set to work for the winter season, there were so many promises to bear. What I consider my creature will open the season, followed by many colleagues, known and esteemed by the public, will follow one another on this stage ”.
“Finally we can say ‘Welcome back to the theater’ – said the mayor of Siena Luigi De Mossi – This period for culture has been disastrous but finally the actors can return to the stage and the spectators to the theater. To celebrate this restart, we have decided to open the season to our artistic director, Alessandro Benevenuti, who from 19 to 21 November will stage the first theatrical production made by the Municipality of Siena from 19 to 21 November. Then classical actors of traditional Italian theater will alternate on stage such as Silvio Orlando, Monica Guerritore, Giuseppe Cederna, just to name a few. To close the season we again wanted our artistic director who will stage his famous play ‘Welcome to the Gori house’. I want to thank our artistic director, his staff and all the Theaters Office for the great quality work done despite all the problems related to Covid “.
“For me this is the first theater season as councilor for Culture and I do not deny that I am very excited to be part of this post Covid cultural renaissance – she explains Sara Pugliese Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Siena – Finally back to the theater with live shows, in one hundred percent attendance. A rich program the one chosen by the artistic director Alessandro Benvenuti, made up of great names in the Italian theater and great news from the international artistic panorama such as the show Machine De Cirque which will be in Siena in February 2022. Prose and dance will alternate in our municipal theaters also giving space to local companies that, thanks to the SCA (Siena Open City) review, will bring to the stage unpublished shows created especially for the city. The invitation that I feel I can make to citizens is to return to the theater, despite the forced pause, imposed by Covid, has removed the audience from the stage, now it is time to support the whole world of entertainment “.