Trials – Frankfurt am Main – Bundeswehr officer under suspicion of terrorism: Witnesses testify – Panorama
Processes – Frankfurt am Main:Bundeswehr officer under suspicion of terrorism: witnesses testify
Directly from the dpa news channel
Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) – In the trial against the Bundeswehr officer Franco A., who is suspected of terrorism, two witnesses testify before the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court (OLG) today. It is about a weapon that A. took from a hiding place in a toilet at Vienna Airport in February 2017. He was arrested in the process. What A. intended to do with the weapon is still unclear.
The Federal Prosecutor’s Office accuses Franco A. of preparing a serious criminal offense that is dangerous to the state. He is said to have planned attacks on politicians. The 32-year-old assumed a false identity as a Syrian refugee – from the point of view of the prosecutors, in order to raise suspicions of an attack against refugees and to shake confidence in the asylum policy. The Federal Prosecutor’s Office sees a völkisch-nationalist attitude as a motive. A. denies the allegations considerably.
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