The D1 motorway will be completely closed at the weekend, a detour for trucks will lead through southern Bohemia
Traffic restrictions will start to be installed by road workers on Thursday evening.
The situation from the beginning of July is repeated on the D1 motorway at the weekend. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, the motorway will be completely closed for 12 hours. The reason is the installation of a new supporting structure of the Kaliště overpass on the local road Lensedly – Hrušov.
The highway will close on Saturday at 21:00, with restrictions to be re-accessible from Sunday 9:00. The detour for cars up to 12 tons will lead along the road I / 3 and through Benešov. Trucks over 12 tons will have to go around the place using the D3 through Tábor.
Due to the demolition of the same bridge, the highway was closed at the beginning of July, then for 48 hours. The traffic was conducted after the same detours, but truck drivers often did not respect the markings and blocked the detour for cars. Due to the closure, columns formed in both directions, one truck driver did not brake on reaching the column in the direction of Prague and died after the crash.
Now, road workers will install a new structure on the newly built bridge abutments. It is steel, measures 77.5 meters in length, 4 meters in width and weighs 168 tons. It will be brought in parts to the area of Exit 34 Ostředek, where it will be assembled. Two cranes will then load it on special bogies, which will transport it to the installation site at km 24.5.
At the same time, road restrictions will start to be installed on Thursday evening. On the night from Thursday to Friday, it will only run in one lane in each direction.
Planned schedule for limiting traffic to D1 (source of ŘSD):
Thu 28. 10. 19:00 – Fri 29. 10. 06:00 – opening of crossings of the middle dividing strip, mode 1/1 – 1 lane in the direction of Prague / 1 lane in the direction of Brno
Fri 29. 10. 06:00 – Fri 29. 10. 19:00 – mode 2/2 – motorway without restrictions only with reduced speed to 80 km / h
Fri 29. 10. 19:00 – Sat 30. 10. 06:00 – establishment of DIO stage 2a, mode 1/1 – 1 lane in the direction of Prague / 1 lane in the direction of Brno
Sat 30. 10. 06:00 – Sat 30. 10. 21:00 – stage 2A, mode 0/1 + 2 – 1 lane direction Prague / 2 lanes direction Brno. The entire left lane of the motorway will be closed due to the introduction and deployment of the crane that will install the structure
So 30. 10. 21:00 – sun 31. 10. 09:00 – stage 2B, mode 0/0 – complete closure of the motorway with a detour route
Sun 31. 10. 09:00 – Sun 31. 10. 22:00 – stage 2C, mode 0/2 + 1 – 2 lanes in the direction of Prague / 1 lane in the direction of Brno. The entire left lane of the motorway will be closed due to the dismantling of the crane and its removal from the motorway
Sun 31. 10. 22:00 – Mon 1. 11. 06:00 – removal of DIO traffic restriction of stage 2C, mode 1 / 1– 1 lane direction Prague / 1 lane direction Brno