The cadets gathered at CREPS in Toulouse

The cadets gathered at CREPS in Toulouse

Twenty cadet and cadet athletes will participate, from October 30 to November 5, in a scene detection organized at CREPS in Toulouse by the French Federation of French Boxing Savate. More details with Richard Aguenihnaï, national trainer and head of the Pôle France de Toulouse.

What is the objective of this detection course?

This internship is a proposal which dates from the end of September. The idea is to put this internship back in place, which has not been able to take place for two years because of the Covid. It is an internship that brings together cadets from different departments and League. In total, we have a total of 20 athletes who will be gathered for several days at CREPS in Toulouse. For the occasion, I will be accompanied by the athletes of the Pole who are graduates.

What assists these young athletes for a week?

We are carrying out a battery of tests so that these young people go back to their clubs with a summary table of all the tests they have passed. This will be useful for the coach in order to develop the qualities of his athlete. The tests we use instead are physical and technical-tactical. Beyond that, there will of course be the putting on of gloves with specific themes put in place. Without forgetting a half-day to discover the city of Toulouse, because the objective is also to show them how the Pôle France works.

Will some of these athletes be able to join the Pôle France?

Exactly. Since we put this detection course in place, most of the athletes who joined the structure have received such a course. This is why, with two years without this internship, recruitment has slowed down. It is necessary to relaunch this kind of meeting, for us, but also for these young people. Collecting them after the cadets category is the right time to then bring them to the highest level.

Will the impact of the Covid period on these young athletes be significant?

Since the start of the season, last September, all clubs have resumed. So I think that in terms of physical abilities everyone will be up to par. But everyone, in every department and region, works differently. Some train once a week, others four times a week. So there will be a difference there, but it will not be a handicap for the course.



