Marseille: Laurent Carrié presents his roadmap

Marseille: Laurent Carrié presents his roadmap

The mayonnaise will have to take “: It is by this formula that a candidate for Top Chef would not have been denied that the new prefect charged by the State with monitoring the” Marseille en grand “plan laid the foundations for the success of his mission.

So that this umpteenth Marshall Plan drawn by Emmanuel Macron finally manages to resolve the dysfunctions that hinder the development of the second city of the country, Laurent Carrié praised the virtues of ” partnership “. ” If the idea had been to set up a guardianship, I would not have been the right person with my background », Hammered this former adviser to Prime Minister Jean Castex. A response to the concerns of some city officials about a supposed takeover of local affairs by the state.

Marseille under curatorship

A follower of the field

In Matignon, where I worked on rurality, local finances or city policy, I also learned the mechanics of decision-making at the central level which will be useful to me for my mission. “, Explained this Toulouse follower of” ground »Which intends to quickly go to the nineteen districts of the department registered in the city’s political devices (QPV). Neighborhoods decorated with urban renewal operations where he intends to use his experience in urban renewal programs in Seine-Saint-Denis where “ the issues of security, education or housing are similar to those of Bouches-du-Rhône “.

The similarity continues in the financing since Marseille benefits from a budget of 600 million euros from theNational Agency for Urban Renewal (Anru), an amount identical to that put on the table for the districts of Seine-Saint-Denis. ” Six hundred million is twice as much as expected. It is now necessary to accelerate the signing of the agreements of the New Urban Renewal Program “, Launched the prefect, also delegate for equal opportunities.

Schools, mobility, housing: the priorities

This senior official who participated with the Elysee Palace in the preparation, before the summer, of the plan for Marseille in the interministerial meetings will have to tackle the implementation of the 12 major projects appearing on the roadmap defined by the president of the Republic. “ The plan mixes short and long term. The short term is the renovation of schools, the reform of the governance of the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis and transport. For schools, he announced the establishment ” by the end of the year “From the public company responsible for overseeing the work” called to start in 2022 “. If the global envelope has not yet been decided, the State has already committed up to 800 million euros to help the renovation of 174 oldest schools in the city.

On mobility, it will be a question of translating the billion promised by the host of the Elysee into concrete projects. Hard credits that the government will have to register in the finance bill (PLF) 2022. ” Financial arbitrations are in progress. We will have to agree on the list of operations to be implemented », Said Laurent Carrié. Projects that will be spread over five to ten and whose funding will stretch over several PLF. In the short term, the State and the Metropolis will set up the public interest group (GIP) which will pilot these infrastructural projects. ” Setting up the GIP will be easy. And if he will not be in charge of the operations, he will have to order the projects and identify the financing. », Deciphered Laurent Carrié.

The reform of the metropolis under discussion

Another urgent issue: the reform of the governance of the Aix-Marseille metropolitan area. ” It is about giving agility to intermunicipal », Said Christophe Mirmand. ” This reform should be the subject of an amendment to the “3DS” bill on decentralization, under discussion in December in Parliament. “, Recalled the prefect of the region and the department. ” We must discuss with elected officials the local skills they want to recover at the level of the municipalities and see how this is organized in the territory.

This discussion will take place under the financial auspices of the regional chamber of accounts. ” It will be in support to assess the consequences of this redistribution of skills. », Affirmed the representative of the State. A very technical job because all the municipalities do not have the same capacities to assume an institutional lift. Depending on their size and their means, not all have the same needs. ” A flexible system will have to be found that will allow progress to be made in order to give the metropolis some room for budgetary maneuver.



