Covid, leap of new infections in Friuli Venezia Giulia: 261 cases registered in 24 hours, one death

Covid, leap of new infections in Friuli Venezia Giulia: 261 cases registered in 24 hours, one death

UDINE. Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia, on 5,086 molecular swabs, 243 new infections have been detected with a positive percentage of 4.78%. There are also 17,958 rapid antigenic tests carried out, from which 18 cases (0.10%) were detected. Today there is a death (an 81-year-old man from Tolmezzo who died in hospital in Udine); the number of people hospitalized in intensive care has dropped to 8, while 58 patients are hospitalized in other departments.

This was announced by the deputy governor of the Region with responsibility for Health Riccardo Riccardi.

The deaths totaled 3,849, with the following territorial subdivision: 842 in Trieste, 2,028 in Udine, 682 in Pordenone and 297 in Gorizia. The totally healed are 110,756, the clinically healed 34 and 1,470 people in isolation.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in Friuli Venezia Giulia, 116,175 people have been positive (the total number of cases has been reduced by one unit following the review of the test) with the following territorial subdivision: 24,378 in Trieste, 53,051 in Udine, 23,198 in Pordenone, 13,927 in Gorizia and 1,621 from outside the region.

With regard to the personnel of the regional health service, the following positives were found: in the Giuliano Isontina university health agency (Asugi) an administrative assistant, a medical director, a nurse and a social health worker; a therapist, a laboratory technician and a nurse in the Friuli Centrale University Healthcare Company (Asufc); in the maternal-infant Irccs Burlo Garofolo of Trieste a nurse and a midwife; in the Cro of Aviano of a radiology technician.

Finally, with regard to residential structures for the elderly, no infections were recorded among the guests, while the positivity of two operators (Trieste and Gorizia) were detected.

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