“Accepted our proposals, now to the cities the task of designing giving centrality to mobility”
A series of new rules governing the use of electric scooters were introduced with an amendment to the text of the Transport decree during the in-commission examination in the House. Among the novelties: the reduction of the maximum speed from 25 to 20 kilometers, confiscation of the vehicle in the case of modifications that will guarantee performance, will be that it will be introduced gradually – to make the means of arrows and the rear stop light, prohibition of circulation on pavements, regulation by the municipalities of parking areas. On the other hand, the obligation to wear a helmet is limited to under 18s, as already provided for by the experimental regulations currently in force. Roberta Frisoni – and that seems to me a good synthesis between the various issues that emerged from the territories. We look forward to the completion of the process in parliament. The aim is to obtain a clear regulatory framework that can, on the one hand, allow for the safety of short-distance travel in cities and tourist areas. We have put on the plate the experience of Rimini, which in recent years has confirmed itself as an experimental laboratory for electric mobility and where certain new regulations already indicate by the legislator are practice, starting from speed: already today the shared means available in the Municipality of Rimini are calibrated not to exceed 20km / h, the new maximum indicator limit of the decree. Positive also the news concerning the improvement of the means and the decision not to have the use of the helmet for adults, a measure that would not be decisive on the safety front and that on the contrary had the boomerang effect of discouraging the means ” . “Having taken note of the direction taken, now also to cities in the urban planning phase actions of choices by adopting centrality to sustainable mobility – continues Frisoni – A path that Rimini has started and that must lead in the future to rethink infrastructures suitable for these new types of travel : translated pragmatically, in the areas with the greatest use of bicycles and scooters, it is necessary to design and build large cycle paths, therefore also more suitable for the passage of scooters, as well as dedicated parking spaces, as also specified by the new regulations. This is what is being done for example on the new promenades. The definition of specific parking areas in which to incentivize the release of sharing vehicles will also be one of the issues raised in the new procedure for awarding the service. Functional infrastructures above all mean greater safety for the driver but in general indispensable to guarantee a better, and therefore more easily replicable, travel experience. To design, however, you need to have a starting point. And this basis is given by the numbers, by the analysis of the trends in the use of vehicles, of the habits of those who move to the city, for work or on vacation. This is why it is essential that not only locally but on a large scale also invest in research and in-depth analysis, to carry out surveys on the roads, analyze the causes of accidents, know the trends of use. As a city, which is recognized by insiders as one of the first cities in the world for the use of scooters, we are available to share our experiences, data and experiments, working together to ensure that micro electric mobility and in general sustainable mobility is an increasingly integrated part of our daily life ”.
cs Municipality of Rimini
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