“Lack of expertise”: anger about the new school inspectorate in Salzburg
Instead of school inspectors, school quality managers are now responsible for technical supervision. But schools say they lack experience in many areas.
Once again there is a rumble in the Salzburg school administration. This time it’s about the school quality managers, i.e. the successors of the former state and compulsory school inspectors. There are increasing complaints that they lack the necessary expertise.
In the past, two AHS state school inspectors were responsible for all high schools in Salzburg – they practically know their schools inside and out. Today the new school quality managers are responsible for all types of schools in their region. Nobody could bring the necessary experience with them, criticizes the former AHS state school inspector and …
Accessed on October 18, 2021 at 04:40 from https://www.sn.at/salzburg/politik/fehlende-expertise-aerger-ueber-die-neue-schulaufsicht-in-salzburg-110928727