Labor market – Frankfurt am Main – Different developments on the labor market – Career
Frankfurt (dpa / lhe) – The developments on the Hessian labor market show regional differences in a study. In the Groß-Gerau district, for example, the number of registered job vacancies fell by 41.6 percent in September compared to the previous month, as the Institute for Economics, Labor and Culture (IWAK) at Goethe University found. In contrast, the number has risen in eight districts and urban districts, most notably in the city of Frankfurt with an increase of 20.4 percent.
Most of the newly registered short-time workers were recorded in Wiesbaden (1054) and in the Wetterau district (692) in September. At the level of the companies that had new advertisements for short-time working in September, Frankfurt and Kassel were at the top with 11 each and the Main-Kinzig district with 13.
By the end of August 2021, Offenbach had the most vacant vocational training positions with 38.4 percent. The fewest positions in Hesse remained vacant in the Hochtaunus district: there only one in five apprenticeship positions (21.8 percent) remained vacant. The largest proportions of unsupported applicants who were unable to start an apprenticeship were in Frankfurt and Darmstadt. Around a third of all applicants there remained without an apprenticeship position. The proportion was lowest in the Hersfeld-Rotenburg district (11.6 percent).
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