Thessaloniki – Seven groups of extreme right in the target of EL.AS.

Thessaloniki – Seven groups of extreme right in the target of EL.AS.

The “Holy Order”, the “Arma” (with supporters of the racial advantage of the Greeks), the “Holy Corps” with total activity in Northern Greece, the “Autonomous Nationalists of Thessaloniki”, who are ideologically identified with the Athenian organization “Combat 18 Which had carried out 15 arson attacks in the capital, and “Vanguard Hellas”, which consists of extreme right-wingers associated with the “Ideapolis Circle” which ceased operations in 2018.

These are some of the seven total far-right groups and organizations that have been recorded by EL.AS surveys. – and the new revelations “To Vima tis Kyriakis” – and are active in Thessaloniki with the participation of about 5,000 members or their supporters. With a large part of the “fascist army” having a direct or indirect relation to the expression of violence in the EPAL of the city in Stavroupoli, in Evosmos but also on a smaller scale in Sykeona, Naples and elsewhere, which has alarmed the Hellenic Liberation Army. and the political world.

Teacher in the role of mentor

In fact, as presented by “To Vima”, EL.AS. has clear information that in one of these EPAL the main role of leader of the young extreme right had a like-minded teacher with an important position in the Lyceum, who helped the young pro-Nazis in matters of absence and other facilities were joined. It was also found that many of the approximately 100 apprehended or arrested had given a thunderous presence to the mobilizations of the vaccinators in Thessaloniki. It has also emerged that some of their parents or close relatives also took part in these gatherings. In addition, some had been arrested for hooligan attacks – mainly by PAOK – in the co-capital. The main fear is the revolution of the successors of the “security battalions” and the “nuclei” of Golden Dawn, exactly one year after its condemnation as a criminal organization.

Security officials predict that there is no limit to the number of far-right rallies – Katehaki has given a central mandate for “zero tolerance” – it can not be extended to the whole city, with the confidence of about 3,500 anti-authoritarians operating in the capital or members of political youth who have taken legal action. With additional fear that it may be suspended leading to squatting of educational institutions, expansion of conflicts, etc.

Fascist nuclei in the EPAL

The episodes at EPAL Stavroupolis in Western Thessaloniki started on Tuesday morning in a protest of students outside the educational institution. During the mobilization, a group of hooded men left the school and attacked the protesters. They threw stones, as well as various other objects and torches, while some of them greeted Nazis. The episodes were extended to EPAL Evosmos, while there were movements of support from respective groups in educational institutions of the Municipality of Neapolis Sykeon. In the next 24 hours there was a new cycle of episodes. With EL.AS. to have information that in many of the 20 Vocational High Schools of Thessaloniki have created fascist nuclei with 20-80 people in each of those associated with philosophical-far-right organizations. It is noted that in 2015 in Stavroupoli Chrysi Avgi had received a percentage of 9.30% (1,374 votes), while in the whole of A ‘Thessaloniki it had received 7.27%. In the 2019 elections he received 5.34% (806 votes), while in A ‘Thessaloniki the new of the far right party was 3.92%. In Evosmos, Golden Dawn had 10.37% (2,378 votes) in 2015 and 5.29% in 2019.

Member training and virtual exercises

The first of the far-right organizations in Thessaloniki according to the records of EL.AS. is the “Holy Corps 12” which has a branch in Athens, Larissa, Amyntaio and Germany. It is one of the most numerous – with the participation of about 1,000 people, of which 4-5 with a leading role – far-right organizations, which was founded in 2012 and has pioneered mobilizations and episodes in Thessaloniki and Katerini in 2019. With the aim of theatrical performances but also the former mayor of the city Giannis Boutaris. By participating in the anti-vaccination rallies but also a central role in the door of fanatical fans of the capital who had recently demonstrated at the TIF against the ban on the entry of the unvaccinated in the Toumba stadium! According to EL.AS. It is a structured organization that tries to give a business character by training members, virtual exercises, etc. That is, like the old “cores” of Golden Dawn.

Also, according to the Police, the “National Team of Thessaloniki” is active in the co-capital, which is considered to come from the split of the “Holy Corps 2012”, with pioneers of two extreme right-wingers (a man and a woman) who did not want even more aggressive action and performed to the “hierolochites”… meekness! The same organization seeks contacts with hard-core fanatics of the Thessaloniki team but also with the extreme right in Kavala.

The hatching of the snake egg

According to EL.AS executives, the “Holy Order” has a major role in Thessaloniki. This is a group of prisoners with philosophical tendencies who proceeded to calls and mobilizations after episodes in Stavroupoli. Your profile on social networks since April 2020, while corresponding groups were located in Athens, Florina and Cyprus. In addition, there is the “Chariot – Association of Ethnic Reconstruction”, which, as they typically claim, was created “in a period of obvious universal Decay and general Dissolution, through the wreckage of states of hermaphrodites and ambiguous between essentially identification with the most additional specimens of the sign” They are followers of the “racial advantage of the Greeks over the other peoples”. Also in Thessaloniki there are the “Autonomous Nationalists” that were created in 2016 and had contact not only the Athenian Combat-18 but also with the AME (“Non-aligned Meandering Nationalists”), who were carrying out dozens of arson attacks on hangouts in Athens. It is characteristic that they had then published a text that stated “we greet with our right hand high up the AME and inform them that the TLIGs are at their disposal at any time”. In addition, according to EL.AS. There is also “Vangurad Hellas”, which appeared in mobilizations against the Prespa Treaty. Finally, in the target of EL.AS. is a “cultural association” based in the center of Thessaloniki, with about 800 members on the social networking page.

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