Charlene of Monaco loves … Her weight loss worries her community

Charlene of Monaco, who hoped to be back on the Rock this fall, had to be hospitalized urgently last September. It was in South Africa that she spent her long convalescence, while the Palace declared last May that she was suffering from a serious infection of the ENT sphere. She abounds, as she can, the bond with her family and her community by sharing different pictures on her Instagram account.

The princess makes a reappearance in photo this Saturday, October 2. She shows herself seated at a table. In front of her, an open book that appears to be religious. Around her neck, what appears to be a rosary. If the former swimmer displays a new coloring and broadcasts a reassuring message by revealing herself all smiles, her community is expressing concerns about her state of health. The former swimmer, who seems diminished, receives many messages wishes her a speedy recovery: ” Oh the beautiful princess too weakened “,” We hope you are in better health, Your Highness! What a nice smile “,” Charlene, I hope you are doing better “, “Pretty princess God bless you and help you find your children and the prince very quickly “.

A convalescence that lasts …

Charlene of Monaco has to make many concessions by living far from her family. Her serious health concerns have made her accompany her children for their return to first grade. They have been separated for many months, with the psychological consequences that this could entail.

Moreover, she had not been able to celebrate her ten years of marriage with Prince Albert last July. Last June, the Daily mail relayed the words of Charlene of Monaco on this subject: ” This year will be the first time that I will not be with my husband for our anniversary in July which is difficult and it saddens me “And to specify:” Albert and I had no choice but to follow the instructions of the medical team even though it was extremely difficult “. She also opened up about the strength she was coming to overcome this ordeal: ” My daily conversations with Albert and my kids help me keep morale up a lot, but I miss being with them. It was special that my family visited me in South Africa […] I can’t wait to find them “.

The family has been able to be reunited occasionally over the past few months. Albert, Jacques and Gabriella, had come to see her for a few days in South Africa.

Also to discover: Charlene of Monaco: the rare photos of the princess stuck in South Africa for more than two months



