Expert: Moldova’s course towards NATO is detrimental to national interests
Expert: Moldova’s course towards NATO is detrimental to national interests
Military observer Alexander Hrolenko praised Chisinau’s aspirations to join NATO. 03.10.2021, Sputnik Moldova-Romania
2021-10-03T13: 26 + 0300
2021-10-03T13: 26 + 0300
2021-10-03T13: 26 + 0300
analyzes and opinions
Republic of Moldova
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CHISINAU, Oct. 3 – Sputnik. The military expert spoke about Chisinau’s aspirations to join NATO. “The course of the Moldovan army towards NATO was outlined many years ago. Chisinau constantly tends to join this organization, as well as the European Union. The implementing documents have already been signed and by 2023-24 all joint actions have been agreed: participation in exercises, the personal instrument in NATO educational institutions and foreign policy actions, including possible peacekeeping operations “, he explained in the broadcast at Radio Sputnik Moldova Russian military expert Aleksandr Hrolenko.He mentioned that such operations were recently practiced in an exercise in the Kherson region, attended by Moldovan military personnel, who are now required qualifications at the NATO special center in Romania. “Chisinau , acting in the interest of the United States and NATO, harms their own national interests, because the five million dollars received for the strengthening of the Moldovan army are only the equivalent of the cost of half a modern tank “, the military observer remarked.
Republic of Moldova
republic of moldova, born
Military observer Alexander Hrolenko praised Chisinau’s aspirations to join NATO.
CHISINAU, Oct. 3 – Sputnik. The military expert spoke about Chisinau’s aspirations to join NATO.
“The course of the Moldovan army towards NATO was outlined many years ago. Chisinau constantly tends to join this organization, as well as the European Union. The implementing documents have already been signed and by 2023-24 all joint actions have been agreed: participation in exercises, the personal instrument in NATO educational institutions and foreign policy actions, including possible peacekeeping operations “, he explained in the broadcast at Radio Sputnik Moldova Russian military expert Alexander Hrolenko.
Vîntu shows the bribes given by Romania to join NATO and the EU and demands ROEXIT!
He mentioned that such operations were recently practiced in an exercise in the Kherson region, attended by Moldovan military personnel, who are now used with qualifications at the NATO special center in Romania.
“Chisinau, acting in the interests of the United States and NATO, is harming its own national interests, because the five million dollars received to strengthen the Moldovan army are only equivalent to the cost of half a modern tank,” the military observer said.
“This is tiny for the Moldovan army, despite the fact that it can be compared to a combined arms brigade of 6-7 thousand soldiers. This course towards NATO promises neither rearmament nor strengthening of defense capacity. For two decades, NATO has not brought a single plane or tank of its own to the Baltic states, “Hrolenko concluded.