After a vote in Switzerland – “Marriage for everyone” is back on the agenda in Liechtenstein – News
17 countries in Europe have spoken out in favor of “marriage for all”. The Principality of Liechtenstein is not yet one of them.
The vote in Switzerland on “marriage for all” was also followed in Liechtenstein. In contrast to the two neighboring countries of Austria and Switzerland, “marriage for all” is not yet recognized in the Principality. But there is movement in the subject again.
Great basic consensus in the state parliament
On Wednesday, the state parliament dealt with the subject in the parliamentary session. Most parties seem to be in favor of following the example of neighboring countries.
“There is a very large basic consensus that same-sex couples can register their partnership today, but that leads to a compulsory outing, says Seger.
Skepticism among the Democrats in favor of Liechtenstein
Patrick Risch, Member of the Landtag of the Free List, also sees the current legislation as outdated: “There are no problematic aspects for our party. It is clearly an abolition of a legally prescribed discrimination. ” The Fatherland Center-Right Party is also convinced that the issue should be tackled now.
On the other hand, the right-wing democrats Pro Liechtenstein are more skeptical. Its member of the state parliament, Herbert Elkuch, makes it clear: “Just because Switzerland voted that way, we don’t have to imitate it at all. We can of course, but we are autonomous in the sector ». He himself is neither for nor against. He can imagine that the registered partnership and the marriage can continue to exist side by side, says Elkuch.
The prince has the last word
After the vote in Switzerland last Sunday, there are now 17 countries in Europe that recognize “marriage for all”. Should the population in Liechtenstein one day vote on this question, the prince, who has to countersign every law, would still have the last word.