Verona, investigation into the dog killed in Garda

Verona, investigation into the dog killed in Garda

The dog found dead in the lake

A plastic bag on the dog’s head, body tied to stones and pebbles to be sure it would sink in the waters of Lake Garda. That poor beast was not to have a chance. The author of a barbaric simile wanted at all costs to get rid of his former 4-legged “friend” who perhaps no longer needed him, a specimen of medium-large size barbarously drowned in the lake. The terrible discovery led her to a passer-by in Torri del Benaco and in a few hours the photo-shocks of the gruesome discovery made the rounds of the web arousing indignation and bewilderment everywhere.

The hypothesis of “animalicide”

Now it is the hunt for the responsible person: at the time of the reckless gesture he was probably on a boat and, if, as everyone hopes, he will be identified, risks two years of imprisonment. This is the penalty that provides for the crime hypothesized by the Scaligera Prosecutor, whose investigation (for now against unknown persons) it is triggered automatically as a result of the crime report sent to the prosecutors from local police of Torri del Benaco. The hypothesis under consideration is that of “animalicide», One of the cases provided for and sanctioned byarticle 544 of the criminal code which contemplates crimes against animals. The first to denounce the seriousness of the episode was the mayor of Torri Stefano Nicotra, who spoke of “absolute shame”. “Exemplary” punishments are invoked on several fronts, but identifying those who are guilty of this horror will be anything but simple. “Who knows, speak, if anyone has useful information, contact the police ”, is the appeal of the Lav.

La Lav: we will intervene in court

The antivivisection league will intervene in the proceeding naming myself defender – explains the lawyer Emanuela Pasetto -. In over thirty years in which I represent animal welfare associations in the killing and mistreatment of animals, this is one of the cases characterized by the greatest cruelty. I appeal to anyone, who may have even a suspicion about the author, a do not hesitate to provide the investigators with any information useful for their identification of the person devoid of humanity who made this ignoble gesture ”. In the meantime, take a exhibited at the Verona Public Prosecutor’s Office by LNDC Animal Protection: «Even our legal team immediately moved to file a complaint, unfortunately against unknown persons – announces the president Piera Rosati -. Events like this are unfortunately almost daily, sometimes it feels like you’re fighting windmills. But we will never tire of fighting to defend the rights of all animals and denounce those who mistreat and kill them. At the same time, however – adds Rosati – the legislator also needs to play its part and make the punishments harder for those who are guilty of these crimes horrendous. Stricter laws, together with education and awareness, especially among the young, are key tools to prevent these cruelties ».

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October 2, 2021 (change October 2, 2021 | 14:42)




