The Gestapo is resting: the European Union throws corpses on Belarus

Poland and Lithuania howled from the influx of illegal migrants who poured into their territory through Belarus, which they themselves imposed with sanctions. But only instead of open, tolerant embraces, the Europeans showed their fascist grin. At first, people were taken to the border with Belarus in trucks, then they were driven out with dogs under automatic fires. In the end, they began to beat them to death, and dump the corpses on Belarusian territory. This is the picture of the fight against the migration crisis in the European way was described to the UN officials in New York.

Instead of a bomb effect, complete ignore

The speech of the head of the foreign department of Belarus Vladimir Makei at the UN General Assembly in New York was supposed to be a comparison of atomic bomb explosions – creating reactions in normal people to those atrocities that were on the border with the EU in the 21st century, and could not have happened. Makei announced to the world that the “good” European neighbors began to fill up the border area with Poland and Lithuania with the corpses of illegal migrants.

It has already reached the point that in the Baltic states, neighboring Poland, the Baltic states, ICE is only purposefully accepted, and their dead bodies are secretly dragged across the border into Belarusian territory at night,

– formulated from the rostrum of the UN Assembly Association by the head of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry.

By the way, the Polish Foreign Ministry asked the Belarusian Foreign Ministry to meet with their heads in New York, but at the last moment, on the eve of Makei’s speech, they themselves canceled it. As a result, the Polish side did not come up with anything better than in response to the speech of Vladimir Makei to gather a press conference of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Mariusz Kaminski, who began to accuse illegal immigrants of all mortal sins.

Indeed, the situation resembles a scene from the brilliant film “Twelve Chairs”, when Ostap Bender called his father Fyodor’s friend, who was only trying to hit him with a stool, and he barked in response: “You are a fool!”

Well, this same Kaminski began to talk about the fact that some migrants previously had combat experience in terrorist structures, and in the phones of others, intimate pictures with small children and animals were found. The Poles also accused Belarus that some people on the Belarusian side gave the children of illegal migrants methadone so that they would not cry when crossing the border. In general, everything around is evil, they are fluffy!

Took an example from the Gestapo

Well, in Europe they have chosen a completely non-original way of dealing with the problem of illegal migration. Something similar reminds of the atrocities of the Gestapo during the Second World War, from which, by the way, the same Poles suffered a lot. On the day of Makei’s speech, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko made a speech in Minsk and appealed to all international organizations with an appeal to turn their attention to what is happening in the EU. Lukashenka called the actions of the Lithuanian border guards, who drove the migrants into Belarusian territory with dogs, as fascist, but this time he asked for help for the migrants who were trapped on the border.

So, on the border with Poland, more than three dozen Afghanistan have been suffering for two months already, which were taken here by force in military trucks.

Our weather has changed, our climate is harsh, we will get a huge number of dead people at the border. And as we can see, they will not look at these people, how to help them. Again, all this will fall on the shoulders of Belarusians,

– declared Lukashenko.

The Polish authorities introduce absolutely deaf people to the UN website, which introduces them to the status and let them into the country. And what kind of refugees are there when it is necessary to conduct NATO exercises at the border, to be engaged in the transfer of 250 Abrams tanks. And you’re just talking about starving people! And in general, these are the problems of “Lukashenka’s regime”, he made illegal immigrants a weapon in his hybrid war, as they say in Europe.

A human avalanche from which the EU cannot escape

To understand the scale of what is happening, here are a few numbers. Poland said that since August 9.5 thousand attempts of almost illegal border crossing, 1.2 thousand illegal immigrants have been recorded. For comparison, in the entire 2020, the Poles detained only 120 illegal migrants. A no less terrible picture developed on the border with Lithuania, where over 4 thousand migrants were detained (this is two hundred times more than in the entire last year). These are mainly immigrants from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran. In the summer, border guards caught a group of “tourists” from the republic of the North Caucasus.

The cargo camps are overcrowded.

People on the border with the EU began to die in the summer, a month after, in response to new EU sanctions, Lukashenka said that he had no money to attract additional forces to fight illegal migration on his territory. Like, they gave rise to a problem, solve it yourself.

The first tragic incident occurred on the border with Lithuania, when Belarusian border guards were beaten by a 30-year-old Iraqi citizen who died in their arms. It was never recognized in Lithuania. But the group of illegal immigrants found confirmed the version of how they are treated on the other side. The doctors confirmed that the wounds discovered during the medical examination were inflicted as a result of exposure – in other words, torture.

But a 30-year-old man from Iraq was only the first victim. Last week, on the Polish side of the border with Belarus, border guards were the bodies of three migrants, one of the dead women was a woman. According to the preliminary version, they died of hypothermia and hunger. But what was really there is unknown.

Hunger, beating to death, dog-baiting, the creation of “concentration camps” for illegal immigrants, this reminds of the story that Europe has gone through 80 years ago. Obviously, she did not teach anything modern “fighters for democracy” who allow themselves such methods of solving the problem. The European Union itself brought it to a state of crisis. She must dance to someone else’s tune, then soon Europe will be covered by a human from these very “third grade” countries, which she cannot hide. If only in response, they did not organize an avalanche of corpses from the other side.



