Soon a “festival of human rights”, with about fifteen speakers, near Rouen

Four round tables will be organized in Mont-Saint-Aignan as part of the human rights festival. (© Illustration / AdobeStock)

October 8 and 9 will be held, at the Mont-Saint-Aignan campus, a “human rights festival”, organized by IRIS (Institute for International and Strategic Relations) in conjunction with Neoma business school and the Rouen Normandy Metropolis.

“The ambition of this first edition is to allow open and respectful debates on issues essential to the smooth running of the world, nourished by discussions between experts and the public ”, explains Pascal Boniface, director of IRIS.

Free entry upon registration

On the program, four round tables bringing together about fifteen conferences, which will discuss topics related to issues and challenges for human rights.

The experts present to debate with the public “on various themes such as moral diplomacy, the link between culture and human rights, health as a global public good”, specifies the press release from IRIS.

The four round tables:

  • Friday October 8 from 2:45 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.: moral diplomacy and realpolitik

With Pascal Boniface, director of IRIS, Rony Brauman, doctor, former president of Médecins sans frontières, Jean de Gliniasty, director of research at IRIS, former ambassador and Nathalie Godard, director of the action of Amnesty International France .

  • Friday October 8 from 4.30 p.m. to 6 p.m .: human rights in Africa

With André-Franck Ahoyo, General Delegate of the Urgence Identité Afrique fund, international consultant, lecturer at Sorbonne Paris Nord University, Hassatou Ba-Minté, head of the Africa office of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Gérard Grizbec, journalist, associate researcher at IRIS and Laurent Larcher, Africa journalist at La Croix.

  • Saturday 9 October from 9.15 a.m. to 10.45 a.m .: health: a global public good?

With Jean-François Delfraissy, President of the Covid-19 Scientific Council, President of the National Consultative Ethics Committee, Caroline Izambert, Doctor of History, former activist director at AIDES, Gaëlle Krikorian, international consultant, specialist in intellectual property issues and Stéphane Roques, strategic director at Medtronic, former director of AFM-Téléthon and former director of Médecins sans frontières.

  • Saturday October 9, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m .: culture and human rights

With Béatrice Bayer Baudroit, president of the local bank in Rouen and representative of Crédit Agricole Normandie Seine, Johanne Bouchard, anthropologist at the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights, Sébastien Dubois, sociologist and professor at Neoma, director of the MSC Cultural and Creative Industries, Loïc Lachenal, director of the Opéra Rouen Normandie and Émilie Lhoste, manager of the heritage service at the Cities and Countries of Art and History Label, at the Culture Department, Métropole de Rouen Normandie.

Entrance is free, rest assured registered at this link, open to all on presentation of a health pass.

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