Portugal: “Francisco’s Economy” wants to involve the “maximum people” in the fight against poverty
Portuguese young people emphasize that education “is the best way” for this fight and obtaining “more practical curricula”
Torres Vedras, 02 to 2021 (Ecclesia) – The group ‘Economia de Francisco Portugal’ said today that “involving as many people as possible in the fight against poverty” is one of its priorities, as well as building bridges and eliminating fossils, in an event international online.
The group ‘Economia de Francisco Portugal’ shared with other young people from over 40 cities around the world that one of its priorities is “to involve as many people as possible in the fight against poverty”.
Gathered at the Convento do Varatojo (Franciscanos), Torres Vedras, to think about “paths to a new economy” and attend the international event ‘Economia de Francisco’, organized from Assisi (Italy), they accelerated that they also want to “build bridges” and close the gaps.
The Portuguese youth shared three ideas from their local analysis, which may have a global scope, and stated that it is “vital” to fight “prejudice and indifference” towards the poor.
In this context, they highlighted that education “is the best way to fight” poverty, and an idea “is to develop more practical curricula”, which complement the traditional ones, at university and secondary, and “motivate more people” not to give up studying .
The group ‘Economia de Francisco Portugal’ also shared that the Social Sector could have improvements if it were more professionalized and associations “worked more often together”, to be “more efficient”, despite the passion of leaders and employees, noting that it is necessary to value plus the jobs in this sector.
The young people explained the path they have taken so far, since its foundation, participating in the international meeting, in November 2020, and the partnerships with other entities such as the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) Portugal, with whom they organized a seminar on ‘how to approach the issue of poverty and social inequalities?’.
During the online meeting, held between 12:30 and 16:30 Lisbon time, testimonies from young people from countries such as Zambia, India, Brazil, Afghanistan, Italy, Argentina were heard, as well as the participation of economists Jeffrey Sachs and Helen Alford.
On the ‘Vatican News’ portal, economist Luigino Bruni, scientific coordinator of the event, explained that it was a day for a “harvest of people who are already changing their country’s economy every day” and not complaints and criticisms “to the world that ‘no good’”.
The international event had another contribution from Portugal, Marta Bicho, who also participated in the meeting ‘The Economy of Francisco’ 2020, shared this afternoon a study on social economy that aims to understand how social entrepreneurs see success.
The university professor and researcher explained that they have developed a framework for mapping success, which “is important because of the dual nature of social enterprises – the social and the financial goals.”
According to Marta Bicho, success for social entrepreneurs is the result of five indicators, specifically, characteristics of entrepreneurs, validation, sustainability, business models and social impact.
The meeting ended with a message from Pope Francis who asked young people for a “different economy”, more just, sustainable and solidary, to put “fraternity at the center of the economy”, and warned of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on society, that affected the poorest, and for the need to safeguard the common home.