Fire in a vacant school in Lisbon mobilizes seven fire engines – Observer

A fire that broke out this Saturday, at the end of the afternoon, in a derelict school in the Marvila area, in Lisbon, mobilized seven fire engines, which is already in the aftermath phase, an official source said.

According to the source of the Lisbon Firefighters Regiment, the fire occurred on the second floor of the Escola Secundária Afonso Domingues, on Rua Miguel Oliveira, on the border between the parishes of Marvila and Beato.

The fire did not cause or endanger other buildings in the vicinity, said the source of the Fire Department.

A fire control operation was brought down, given the accumulation of garbage at the site, he needed.

The School – named after Afonso Domingues, 15th-century architect of the Batalha Convent and began by being called Afonso Domingues Industrial School – was officially closed in 2010, because it was on the way to the Third Crossing over the Tagus, between Chelas and Barreiro, which would allow the passage of the high-speed train.


In May 2010, Lusa reported that the Afonso Domingues Industrial School Alumni Association lamented that the school was “threatened” by the project of the third crossing over the Tagus, a proposal by the government then led by José Sócrates.

When it was closed, one School had 290 students and 80 teachers.

Inaugurated in 1956, among the students who attended the school are the writer José Saramago, the Nobel Prize for Literature, the leader of the PCP, Jerónimo de Sousa, and the football coach Fernando Santos.



