The volume of traffic at Zurich Airport continues to increase

Flight operations at Zurich Airport continue to increase compared to the previous months. However, the volume of traffic is still below the pre-Corona level.

the essentials in brief

  • The number of flights at Zurich Airport increased further in September.
  • However, the volume of traffic is still well below the pre-Corona level.

In September, the upward trend at Zurich Airport was measured by the number of flight movements. With not quite 7,700 starts, the volume of traffic is still well below the pre-Corona level. According to the statistics, which are updated daily on the airport website, there were a total of 15,321 flight movements last month.

Compared to August, the number of take-offs and landings has been saved by around 1 percent. The slight decrease has seasonal reasons: Even before the corona crisis, the number of flight movements in September was always around 3 percent below that in August. In this, the summer holiday traffic ensures additional frequency.

increased in number of flights

The September figures also confirm the trend of the previous months. Zurich Airport recorded over 70 percent more take-offs and landings than in the same month of the previous year. This was when, after brief easing in the summer, measures to contain the pandemic were already restricting air traffic more sharply. With currently around 15,000 aircraft movements, the volume of traffic is still over 35 percent below the previous year’s figures.

In the figures published daily on the website, all flights are shown according to instrument flight rules, the so marked IFR traffic. In addition to scheduled services, this also includes freight, business and private flights.

The number of flight movements also says nothing about the size of the aircraft used and their utilization. Zurich Airport will publish detailed passenger and traffic figures for September on October 12th.

More on the subject:

Coronavirus Zurich Airport



