the Verona Trento Institute will participate in six different mobilities

MESSINA. The city of the Strait is increasingly “Erasmus +”, and the Industrial Technical Institute “Verona Trento” of Messina, in particular, will be engaged in six mobilities of the program funded by the European Union, for an estimate of over eighty students and thirty students involved in various projects of the key action 2 of the “Erasmus +” program, which provides exchange of good practices. The goal of the presidency Simonetta Di Primain fact, it is to involve more and more students and teachers in an experience that is a reason for personal growth and training.

This is not the first adventure of the Institute located in via Ugo Bassi: the school had already participated in the project a few years ago “Recycling and artistic creation”, hosting the children of five schools from five different countries of the European Union and, in turn, allowing groups of five children for mobility of spend a week in contact with peers from and in other countries.

The last of the “away matches” was a Bordeaux, in France. Then there were years of stop and, now, due to Covid, six different projects have overlapped that will give opportunities to students and accompanying teachers, thanks to the coordination of the Erasmus and training managers of the school, the teachers Massimo Amara And Giusy Celona.

The real news this year, however, is accreditation for the mobility of teachers and students that the school has obtained by winning a particular tender from the European Union. This will allow the Institute not only to participate in key action 2 of the Erasmus + program, but also in key action 1, which provides for aimed at learning, and therefore with training activities.

“We presented an Erasmus + plan where we highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of our institute, emphasizing what it takes to overcome weaknesses, that is: teacher training, creation of alternative learning environments and training of pupils in international contests », explains professor Massimo Amara, Erasmus + manager for the school since the first project in 2015.

But that’s not all: “We have also planned aactivity dedicated to the handicapped – adds Amara – We have partnered with a professional school dedicated to special children, the “Gloria Fuerte” (Andorra), and we, with a delegation of students with discomfort, we’re going to visit him for a week. It is a special school, a type of institution that does not yet exist here in Italy ».

«In addition, the accreditation project, as well as allowing training abroad according to the needs identified by the teaching staff, will allow students to spend two weeks at another educational institution similar to our site Palma de Mallorca, to enable pupils from the school systems of these two different countries. With the school, we decided to select the children for this special mobility selecting the most deserving students», Concludes the teacher.



