Sustainable agriculture for Venice – CSR Swiss radio and television

Sustainable agriculture for Venice – CSR Swiss radio and television

They are young, often graduates and have a passion for sustainable agriculture. In Venice, for some years now, they have created a network of companies called OltreConfin. There are about ten of them companies, including the bio-farm Rio Selva, managed by Domenico Maffeo in Preganziol e Donna Gnora by Federico Mantovan, who from his Noale countryside transports vegetables and vegetables to the lagoon with the power of the oars alone.

A choice dictated by respect for the environment, in a fragile context like that of Venice. But there is more. Among the themes that animate the cooperative OltreConfin, in fact, there are social justice and dignity in agriculture, as well as a new idea of ​​solidarity economy, which starts from the earth.

The commitment is attracting followers among the Venetians. Especially after the difficult months of the lockdown to counter the Covid-19 pandemic, when the almost total absence of motor boats between the canals has led many to rediscover the rowboat as a means of travel. A change of habits that gives OltreConfin they hope definitive.

Gilberto Mastromatteo



