San Marino pavilion inaugurated at Expo Dubai 2020 Italpress news agency

DUBAI (ITALPRESS) – The San Marino Pavilion opened its doors to the public and did so with an official ceremony in the presence of the Secretary of State for Tourism and Expo Federico Pedini Amati, visiting the United Arab Emirates on the occasion of this great event accompanied by an institutional delegation composed of Filippo Francini Director of the Tourism and Culture Department, Laura Franciosi of the State Congress Communication and Lucy Santolini, interpreter.
The ceremony that took place this morning at 11.30 at the San Marino Pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020 began with a speech by Letizia Cardelli, director of the Pavilion, the ceremony continued with the interventions of Mauro Maiani, Commissioner General for the Expo and of the Secretary Federico Pedini Amati, who, to complete the official speeches, performed the usual cutting of the ribbon following a toast. The San Marino Pavilion is not just an exhibition structure, but a space in which the physical and digital worlds blend together, giving life to a physical experience in which the visitor has a series of communication and information levels available: the first level is the graphic communication with 28 panels that simplify the fundamental characteristics for each sector: history, tourism and country system. The second level is that of the exhibition objects brought from San Marino: first of all the Treasure of Domagnano, the absolute protagonist of the Pavilion which represents the ideal connection with the exhibition theme as our original treasure is divided into five countries around the world. United States, England, Germany, San Marino and Abu Dhabi. The third level of communication are the videos, made with an exceptional testimonial Darius Arias archaeologist and internationally renowned. The videos are divided into three episodes, dedicated to history, tourism and the country system seen as a possible tourist and investment destination. The fourth level is that of insights that can be used through the app that can be activated with a QR code that will provide extra content that can be updated during the Expo. there will also be the opportunity to participate in a competition that will give the chance to win a trip to San Marino and a stay. After the ceremony, the Secretary, representing the Republic of San Marino, went to the small lunch – together with some special guests among the 21 sponsors of the Pavilion – offered by the San Marino Commissariat.
“It is a source of great satisfaction and pride for me to be here today to take part in this inaugural ceremony so full of meaning”, began Pedini Amati in his speech. “First of all, I would like to convey to those present the greetings of the entire Congress of State and the government of San Marino. I thank the staff – both the one employed here in Dubai and the one who works from home – for the tireless work they have done to get to this moment, I know it hasn’t been easy. The theme of Expo Dubai 2020 is ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’: this is exactly what San Marino has always tried to do with every country in the world, inside and outside the Expo. This one in particular, which comes after a pandemic, is the strong signal of a restart and is a great opportunity for us; we believed in it from the first moment and we decided that San Marino should. The space that we are inaugurating today will welcome our fellow citizens who want to come and visit it and tourists from all over the world, so I ask the Commissioner, the Director, the managers and the volunteers who will represent us here for the next six months to do their utmost to ensure , of our Republic, the image that everyone in the world recognizes as a hospitable and welcoming country. Finally, I would like to thank the sponsors for their support, the workers and all those who have collaborated with us without fail ”.
“The participation of San Marino in a Universal Exposition is already a great success in itself. It should be borne in mind that for a small country like ours, the challenges are not only of an economic nature but also of human resources and above all logistics, given the 6000 km distance from our country. Achieving this goal required time and dedication on the part of a staff who worked hard synergistically on this great project. stated Mauro Maiani for Expo Dubai 2020. “This is also the only pavilion among the 100” Thematic Pavilions “serving a VIP Lounge on the upper floor, which will be made available to its Sponsors for business meetings, B2B matching, forums and events, and will become the scene of meetings and cordial moments for the official delegations visiting Dubai, as well as for selected guests and media. A real privilege offered to the most respected guests, who will be able to enjoy reserved and exclusive moments in a context designed specifically for them “.



