Because we must not forget that a San Marino has won the right to kill

Also San Marino, the micro-state that until recently represented a stronghold of civilization, of life, of hope in the heart of the Italian territory He has decided to become a “stronghold of eugenics”, to undertake the path of decadence and to open up to total abortion.

The Referendum last week, in fact, decreed the victory of legalization of abortion with over 77% of the preferences, even if as many as 59% of the inhabitants abstained (remember that in San Marino it is not expected to reach the Quorum to validate a referendum).

Those who fight for the defense of life do not give up, because the most defenseless, that is, the children in the womb and their mothers are not left alone in the face of the evils of society which alas, have come overwhelmingly even here in San Marino. The work continues alongside those who believe that the defense of life is always the first and only choice“. These were the words of Chiara Benedettini, lawyer, adoptive mother and member of the “One of us” committee (the Committee for the No), who in the last weeks before the vote worked tirelessly to defend life within the Republic of San Marino, to be on the side of the mother and child. “A defeat for life, but we start from the work that has grown in recent months by the defenders of life”Said Don Gabriele Mangia instead in an interview with the Nuova Bussola Quotidiana.

Some, however, call it “victory”, yet the only “victory” we speak of is the death of the unborn. Killing one’s children “in the name of the law”, in fact, is the failure of a society that prefers death to life. Of a society in which those who are not perfect are not worthy of seeing even the light of the sun. Remember the crusade led by the UDS (Union of San Marino Women) against the campaign carried out by the “One of us” committee that denounced eugenic abortion, barbarously accused of exploiting disability, when in reality they defended the right to life with the sword. disabled people.

Certainly not a great example of inclusion is that of the UDS, which say they are at the side of the most fragile and defenseless people, while in reality they promote their killing in the womb.

From now on, therefore, the real victory will be to be born for anyone with a diagnosable disability before birth. For example, we know how in the highly civilized Iceland the percentage of children with Down syndrome who come to light is close to 0. An “excellent” result for eugenics, which did not wait to sneak up on the bill proposed by the promoters of the referendum, in which the disability falls within the context of “anomalies and malformations of the fetus”, as reported by the referendum question, which we recall was the following:

“You want the woman to be allowed to freely terminate the pregnancy by the twelfth week of gestation, And even later if there is danger to the life of the woman or if there are anomalies and malformations of the fetus that involve a serious risk for the psycho-physical health of the woman? “.

As is clear from the question, in fact yes abortion is made legal at any stage of gestation, as there is no indicator any limit for aborting. It is enough to appeal to the justification that pregnancy compromises the “psycho-physical health of the woman”. Several times the UDS have denounced that the law in force before the Referendum and which prohibited abortion, did not intervene even in the event of the mother’s life being threatened. This affirmation, however, has been denied several times by Chiara Benedettini, who reiterated that the old system allowed intervention in such situations. There is talk of extreme cases, as well as very rare, in which the death of the fetus is not intentionally willed. A very delicate point, on which abortionists have leveraged to clear abortion in all other cases as well.

Like this, the new San Marino law opens to a dramatic scenario, which allows abortion up to the ninth month and for any reason. As soon as the “One of us” committee denounced this atrocious truth, the UDS did not hesitate to counter by declaring that “abortion in the ninth month does not exist”, omitting, however, to confess that it is enough to do a short search on wikipedia to unmask their lies and that there are countries often referred to as “bulwark of civilization”, in which a terrible atrocity such as abortion in the ninth month not only exists, but is even legal and falls into the category of “human rights”.

Yet another deception, therefore, on the skin of women. , as a very truth, the truth is first then destined to go out into the sun and with it the light that all give the damage of which women give all the consequences, seasoned with indelible wounds, all will never heal.

Yet, it should not be underestimated that there are other examples, of true civilization and of true defense of nascent life. Just think of Texas, which with its 29 million inhabitants represents an unprecedented milestone for the pro-life world thanks to the “Heartbeat Law” against only 30,000 San Marino inhabitants, who have always had the possibility of having an abortion across the border. News, which should exercise us in fighting for good, with the same determination that our adversaries have for evil.

San Marino is a story that teaches us to roll up our sleeves, despite the defeat and never get tired of shouting the truth, which sooner or later will prevail over the lie. A story that teaches us the importance of taking an example from overseas pro-lifers, to continue to fight without ifs and buts until the day when abortion becomes illegal, but just unthinkable.



