Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia

Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia

Trieste, 1 Oct – The work carried out on gender language, which broadens the discussion on equality between men and women, including daily life and relationships between people, and the wide range of actions implemented by the Region to arrive at the actual achieve are different tools to achieve a common goal. The regional administration has invested significant resources and implemented specific rules and actions to favor the real reconciliation between the family and the realization also in all the other aspects of life: the Law on the family, the school dowry, the incentives for welfare company, with the contribution for nursery schools, to name but a few. To overcome the differences between men and women still existing in society, the important action to raise awareness on the issue must in fact be combined with concrete and broad-spectrum initiatives.

In summary, this is the concept expressed by the regional councilor for work and family during the presentation of the results of the project “Another way to say it”, created by Aci-Coordinamento between Confcooperative, Legacoop and Agci del Friuli Venezia Giulia in collaboration with the Equality Commission of the Alliance of Cooperatives of Lombardy. The initiative takes place in the path that the cooperation of Friuli Venezia Giulia has started to promote a culture of respect and gender equality, since in 2018 a place to contrast the work of a generest and to the violence of masses of between the three cooperative organizations and Cgil, Cisl and Uil.

During the presentation, the high attendance at the four virtual meetings was confirmed, which saw a total of more than a thousand people connected by videoconference. The project will continue in the weeks with a theater workshop dedicated to the theme of combating harassment in the workplace and the influence of language in gender questions. The initiative will be articulated through a workshop path of 4 weekly meetings of 3 hours each, which will be followed on November 20 at the Palamostre Theater in Udine, during which the host of the game will alter the proposals of the participants in interventions of the public, to moments interpreted by actors and actresses, to musical moments and videos. ARC / MA



