Agnès Jaoui and Géraldine Nakache shoot in the heart of Toulouse

the essential
The shooting of director Frédéric Sojcher’s new feature film, “The Course of Life”, takes place in Toulouse for three weeks.

The atmosphere is student and professional in the Sénéchal room and in the premises of the ENSAV (National Audiovisual School) in the heart of the city. The shooting of the new film by Frédéric Sojcher, director fascinated by “cinema material” and author of “I want to be an actress” and “Hitler in Hollywood” among others, will occupy actresses (Agnès Jaoui and Geraldine Nakache), actor (Jonathan Zacaï), interns, technical team, production for three weeks. ” The Course of Life is a real cinema proposition, explains the producer Jessica Rosselet (Leto Films) in the sense that it is a film that dares to talk about cinema by using a rather particular narrative filming device of three cameras to film a master class given by Noémie , the character played by Agnès Jaoui.

Agnès Jaoui in makeup.

The film takes place 50% in an amphitheater and 50% outdoors so we will see the city which was the director’s wish. It is really the city which inspired certain sequences to him, the film is really registered in the city. The staging is alive and the students receive in the film add to this atmosphere and to the very dynamic device which consists in filming a master class. So we see the cameras and a handheld camera looks for moments of emotion as close as possible to the characters. “And Véronique Zerdoun also producer (Tabo Tabo Films with Film saga also) to add:” It is also a film on the scenario, the narration, in the spirit of Things of life by Claude Sautet, about love, mourning, life choices, so it’s really a film about emotion. ”

Filming in the ENSAV courtyard.

Filming in the ENSAV courtyard.

And even on the theme of transmission added Jessica Rosselet so it is relevant to shoot at the ENSAV, with students and then we will come back with the heads of stations and other people in the film. All the trainees attend the work of twelve trades and we even proposed to think about poster projects, a communication strategy. »Ideal for students in training …

Toulouse actors

“Since June, continues Véronique Zerdoun, the big work has consisted in casting the students. We wanted real actors given that we had a prestigious cast, we also had to find people who had the answer, charisma especially since they are there almost every day, they have a great presence. “And far from playing the foil, they are well integrated into the project as Jessica Rosselet specifies:” The secondary actors are from Toulouse for the most part, there are even two or three who are not professionals and who come from there. ‘ENSAV. “And the local ecosystem of the profession ultimately lends itself wonderfully to experiences of this type:” The City’s filming reception office really helped us a lot. They offered us sets, places, we have visited a good twenty amphitheatres before choosing the one in the Sénéchal room and the head decorator reconstituted a projection booth with bricks from Toulouse! The Metropolis and the Occitanie Region are also valuable suppliers for the film, which has a modest budget of € 900,000. And on a team 80% Toulouse and more if in the region. There are resources here, we can do everything to work. It is a real cinema region that you can feel! »The two producers conclude together.

Filming in the ENSAV courtyard.

Filming in the ENSAV courtyard.

The history of cinema

The story written by Alain Layrac and directed by Frédéric Sojcher tells the reunion of Noémie (Agnès Jaoui), experienced screenwriter, with her first love of youth, Vincent (Jonathan Zacaï) who became director of the school where she gives a master-class. The intimate quickly rubs shoulders with the universal in this singular moment in class Noémie will teach the students and Vincent that the art of writing a screenplay is also the art of living passionately.



