Support systems for higher education and research

Support systems for higher education and research

In order to provide an environment conducive to research and training, the Rouen Normandy Metropolis wishes to contribute to the structuring of its various campuses, promote the presence on the territory of scientific equipment and support the differentiation and excellence strategies of laboratories. research and higher education institutions.

Discover the mechanisms of the 2021 call for projects

Your project aims to:

Develop educational innovation, training in a priority metropolitan area, student entrepreneurial culture or to improve the link with the economic world
  • Beneficiaries: Public and private higher education establishments and associations (under conditions)
  • Possible funding: 80% maximum of the operating budget and 50% maximum of the investment budget
  • Metropolitan support: € 50,000 (minimum) to € 150,000 (maximum) per project
  • 2021 call for projects envelope: € 400,000 (joint with the Research system)
Deploy a research program
  • Beneficiaries: Public research organizations, public and private higher education establishments and associations (under conditions)
  • Possible funding: 80% maximum of the operating budget and 50% maximum of the investment budget
  • Metropolitan support: € 50,000 (minimum) to € 150,000 (maximum) per project
  • 2021 call for projects envelope: € 400,000 (joint with the Higher Education system)
Complete a thesis
  • Beneficiaries: COMUE Normandie University, employer of doctoral students registered in a metropolitan academic research laboratory
  • Metropolitan support: 50% co-financing of the RIN 50 regional system
  • 2021 call for projects envelope: 3 doctoral grants eligible for funding from 2022
Develop a technological platform, strengthen the skills of an existing platform or its openness to economic players
  • Beneficiaries: Public research organizations, public and private higher education establishments and associations (under conditions)
  • Possible funding: 50% maximum of the operating budget and 50% maximum of the investment budget
  • Metropolitan support: € 100,000 (minimum) to € 300,000 (maximum) per project
  • 2021 call for projects envelope: € 300,000
Contribute to the structuring and dynamics of campuses, participate in the promotion and influence of the metropolitan ESR or propose an offer of innovative services for ESR players
  • Beneficiaries: Public and private higher education establishments and associations (under conditions). Projects must be carried out by several establishments or open to other establishments in the metropolitan area
  • Possible funding: 80% maximum of the operating budget and 50% maximum of the investment budget
  • Metropolitan support: € 15,000 (minimum) to € 50,000 (maximum) per project
  • 2021 call for projects envelope: € 90,000
Calendar of the 2021 call for projects

Higher Education, Research, Platform, Campus and student life systems

  • Opening of the call for projects: 01 October 2021
  • Submission of files: from October 01, 2021 to October 31, 2021
  • Decision of the metropolitan deliberative bodies: December 13, 2021

Doctoral allowance system

  • Opening of the call for projects: 01 October 2021
  • Submission of files: Submission of files: end of 2021, according to COMUE schedule
  • Decision of the metropolitan deliberative bodies: May 2022
  • Consult the ESR 2021 call for projects for the different components: AAP ESR 2021 (link to the file to be provided)
  • For the Higher Education, Research, Doctoral Allowance, Campus and student life components: Assistance regulations (link to the file to be provided)
  • For the Technological platform component: Aid regulations (link to the file to be provided)

* Doctoral award



