Russia and USA continue talks in Geneva

Russia and USA continue talks in Geneva

Geneva. Russia and the US have been involved in their disarmament talks. Delegations from both countries met on Thursday in Geneva, as the Russian side announced on Twitter. The negotiations will therefore be led by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov and his US colleague Wendy Sherman. Details of the interview have not initially become public.

Disarmament talks in Geneva

The nuclear powers USA and Russia began the new disarmament talks in Switzerland at the end of July, which Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden had previously agreed at a summit in Geneva in mid-June. The day’s meeting is about future arms control and risk reduction.

The talks are seen as an important signal for global security. The basis is the only remaining major arms control agreement between the United States and Russia: the New Start nuclear disarmament treaty. This limits the nuclear arsenals of both countries to 800 carrier systems each and 1,550 operational nuclear warheads each. The US had already passed several agreements with the accusation that Russia does not abide by the rules.



