“No news on the Green Pass, just a few photos with Di Maio”

“No news on the Green Pass, just a few photos with Di Maio”

“While there is the deepest uncertainty about what will happen after October 15 for us San Marino vaccinated with Sputnik, there is already some certainty. And unfortunately for us it is anything but positive ”.

He says it free, explaining in a statement that “the United States of America they decided to do not open borders to those who have been vaccinated with Sputnik“.

“The announcement with which the US has decided to readmit travelers from many foreign countries, including Italy, leaves out those who have been immunized with the Russian vaccine. At this point, we ask for answers and a little more transparency from the Ciavatta-Beccari duo. The latter rather than posting triumphalistic photos with the Italian Foreign Minister, Di Maio, he should have wrested from him a specific commitment or at least some answer”, Rina the dose the party of car party.

We cannot come down to the last moment and receive the sop the day before the deadline, perhaps with yet another monthly extension – says Free -. The question must be resolved once and for all with Italy and in the case directly with Europe with which, let’s not forget, we are negotiating the association ”.

“We continue to think, as also proposed in the House to advise, that assessments should be made on the basis of any individual and not on the type of vaccine; said this remains the bilateral problem with Italy – states the political force of condition of -. Unfortunately, the feeling is that we still want to impose the third dose (with which vaccine?) And the only way for us San Marino to be able to circulate freely outside our borders will be to submit to the Roman diktats. We await with confidence, just as workers, entrepreneurs, students who contact us every day await answers “.

“Every day that passes, our credibility as a state is failing – Free glosses -. In the end, we appeal to our government to make a more detailed communication of the Italian derogation expected until 15 October: there are too many inconveniences that our San Marino citizens suffer due to the lack of recognition of our Green Pass “.


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