International conference for the Istanbul Convention in Berlin

In cooperation with DaMigra, the working women’s organization in Germany, the German Women’s Lawyers Association and the Representation of the European Commission, “Istanbul Convention for the Prevention of Murders in Germany: Symbolic politics or its shield?” international online presentation.


Being the first signatory of the Istanbul Convention, Turkey terminated the contract in March with its decree on 20 March and was officially chosen as the first choice from the contract as of 1 July. In the past, this decision has been heavily protested on the streets and in the same social facilities in Turkey. While the support of the LGBTQAI+ movement in Turkey and abroad is coming, it is worth negatively impacting the feminist effort. From the road list, the main themes of the selection: From Turkey’s target, to target with Europe’s target.

Speaking of the conference, the founder of DaMigra, Dr. Delal Atmaca made it. Attempts are made to hit the hawk with a power that is tried to be trained and worked on. Emphasis is placed on the words “we do not devalue anyone”, with particular emphasis on the rights of immigrants.


Maria Wers, the President of the German Women’s Law Association, said that Germany should take a role in the Istanbul tenderers, be among the first to sign the contract, and not all voters should be applied. The German legislature ratified the law in July 2017, leading to the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, and expressed some reservations here, with the aim of depositing the ratification document on 12 2017. Regarding the 59th Parameter regarding the residence 59th Parameter regarding the “59. Parameter”. it’s about protecting it,” he says. He said that the Istanbul Convention has ended its inclusiveness in its design in Germany.


If the head of the Mor Roof Association manager, who was in a period, did not realize the loss of rights in Arın Arın, it was “planning the Istanbul Convention” and it was a drawing to be taken from a purpose lesson that was necessary to prepare for the delivery of the contract. Even if the contract is not fully implemented, it has helped a technical service unit in conflict with domestic law, as it is also knowledgeable about data collection techniques. However, we have now emphasized less penalty warnings for failures so that the courts are valid in Istanbul. Arın, who is assertive about the words “It was much better than the Istanbul contract”, expressed by the scathing of Pınar Gülteki, who was brutally murdered, embodied the clearing of the way for the criminals by claiming the evidence of use from the 4th judicial package. Intimidating women with their sexual power and education was to protect patriarchy, and this once again strongly emphasized that “influencing women”. “The women’s movement is very strong. Why Strong? Because women do not give up on social media,” he says, saying:


Academician from the Department of Migrant Studies and Intercultural Studies at the University of Osnabrück, Dr. Cavidan Soykan drew attention to the achievements of students and refugees in Turkey with the Istanbul Convention and the effects on them when the contract was terminated. Soykan, who your passengers in Turkey think about you, stated that the contract is about the contract and from the children, the contract is stated below. Muzeyyen, a member of Refugee, Hevi LGBTI+ Association member, adds to the targeted words of the QIA+ suspect, who is thought to be “not intended to be performed overnight without our contract being withdrawn”. Different selection from gender, selection, model selection. He highlighted a democracy-clamping teacher of the banning of Pride Parade since 2015, the goals of LGBTQIA+ associations and activists since 2019. Vehicle, which is related to Istanbul in this regard and is intended to be inclusive for action, added that “just increase the number of killed, LGBTQIA+ hostility also continued, its combativeness was increased”. It draws the attention that needs to be considered on the removal of rights from the field.

Explained in the last part of the meeting, the PATENT (The list of those who will be removed from the support program for women in Istanbul is not accepted. Selmin Çalışkan, who is closely related to the Institution in the Berlin Office of the Open Society Foundations (OSF), is seen only in 18 percent and can work with women’s rights’ Although the funds can be received, it drew attention to the people of Rome, the defender of LGBTQAI+s and the place where the food chain always ended.

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