Why are our doctors leaving? (Natalia Graur / Moldova.org)
Radio Chisinau him cites on the political commentator Ion Tăbârță, who refers to the visit of the Prime Minister Natalia Gavriliță to Brussels. In his opinion, the Republic of Moldova needs the support of the European Union to achieve everything that the new Government in Chisinau has proposed. He points out that support will be conditional on how the Government manages to deliver on its promises and what it has undertaken in dialogue with the EU. Ion Tăbârță points out some priorities for the current government, namely, judicial reform and the fight against corruption, economic recovery, encouraging business and the business environment, including institutional strengthening, after the groups organize certain people with the help of the Republic of Moldova to enrich themselves illegally. .
On the same subject, IPN News Agency him cites on the Rapporteur for the Republic of Moldova from the European Parliament, Dragoș Tudorache. He urged the Chisinau authorities to set very clear goals and ask European partners for financial assistance for concrete projects. The MEP is of the opinion that both the political climate in Chisinau and in Brussels is favorable for the implementation of ambitious projects, for the benefit of citizens. Dragoș Tudorache also said that he has a comfortable parliamentary majority in the Legislature, the government must fulfill its commitments for the granting of loans and grills announced by the EU.
Moldova.org publish a article signed by Natalia Graur, who finds that we have very good university studies, but the doctors do not leave. Where is the problem? The author rhetorically asks, who further writes that the phenomenon of migration of medical staff from the Republic of Moldova is still too little studied and this would make it difficult to understand the phenomenon objectively and take measures to reduce migration, even if it is certain that the number of medical staff is declining. The journalist presents data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics, which shows that the number of doctors decreased from 16,000 in 1990 to about 10,550 in 2012, and the number of nurses halved (from 46,000 to 22,760). Natalia Graur also writes that the studies list several causes for the migration of medical staff, such as salaries, working conditions, lack of modern medical equipment and presents the history of some doctors who chose to practice medicine in another country.
portal Anticorupţie.md public the findings of a group of experts who drafted a White Paper on Justice, in which they draw attention to the inefficient management of justice at the preliminary, judicial stage, but also at the stage of execution of court decisions. Referring to the authors’ conclusions, the Minister of Justice, Sergiu Litvinenco, declared that “urgent, tough measures are now needed to change the deplorable situation in which the justice system is currently”. The article quotes Livia Mitrofan, a judge from Chisinau, who believes that “the system needs a change, but the change must come from within, not from without. Because the external evaluation of the judiciary and the Prosecutor’s Office is in fact a failure of the statute in the fight against corruption “, said the magistrate. And in the opinion of the director of the Department of Justice and Human Rights within the Soros Foundation Moldova, Victor Munteanu in the failure in the field of justice reform, the actors in the field are also guilty, because they tolerated in key positions those who did nothing but mimic the reforms.