San Marino. Botika awarded by Confindustria Romagna with the Excelsa Award 2021
BOTIKA receives the Excelsa – Romagna Award 2021 from Confindustria Romagna.
It took place yesterday afternoon at the MarePineta Resort in Milano Marittima (Ra) the delivery of Excelsa Award 2021, a biennial initiative born 10 years ago for give visibility to excellent companies and highlight the ultimate goal of doing business: to generate collective and widespread well-being.
At the basis of the achievement of the results that earned the award a BOTIKA – the only company based in San Marino – for the best Economic Performance in 2020 there was the realization of the digital platform and Meeters microservices andTiron Digital Assistant, two products designed to help companies relate to customers, suppliers and stakeholders, emerging from the immobility caused by the forced arrest due to anti-Covid-19 measures.
Meeters was born with the idea of a new way to meet and do business: the virtual or phygital fair (hybrid between remote and live) becomes an opportunity to create and involve a community united by the same value references.
The beating heart of this project evolves to go to support companies in the provision of remote training and technical assistance, presentation of product sheets, live chat with commercial departments or business units and other functions.
Tiron is a digital assistant able to improve the workflow of companies and professionals through theautomation of appointment planning thanks to to contact real-time calendars, automatic creation of emails and videocall links, with system Paypal payment management integrator.
On stage to receive the award Diego De Simone, co-founder of BOTIKA that in the presence of the president of Confindustria Romagna, Paolo Maggioli, Danilo Casadei, vice president of Confindustria with responsibility for corporate social responsibility, and Maurizio Marchesini, vice president of Confindustria for supply chains and medium-sized enterprises, wanted to share the award with all the staff : “The main merit was that of the very smart and autonomous collaborators, who found space to find new ideas internally, creating a product that first helped the fairs to go online and then the companies to innovate”.
BOTIKA // Digital Alchemists
Since 2018, it has been helping companies automate processes and improve people’s work, so that they can only take care of the activities that really bring value.
It does this through the proprietary artificial intelligence engine, developing custom algorithms, RPA, chatbot, big data and much more.
There are four main areas of work: Business automation, Industry 4.0, Telemedicine, Finance and Blockchain.
To find out more
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