once again delayed, the entry into service of the cable car is scheduled for early 2022
The site of Téléo cable car is (still) a little late. While it should be inaugurated at the end of the year, the president of Tisséo Ingénierie Jean-Michel Lattes announced this Wednesday, September 29 that the largest urban cable car in France will ultimately only be put into service first half of 2022.
“These are estimates, there is still no certainty,” he explained cautiously during a press conference. In question, a delay on the frame. It must be said that between the health crisis, the global shortage of electronic components and the administrative staff, the teleo project has not been spared.
The cable car was originally planned for … the end of 2020
The year 2021 will therefore not see the sites of Oncopole, Rangueil and Paul-Sabatier University linked by the future urban cable car. This is not the first time that a delay has been announced on the site. Téléo was initially scheduled for the end of 2020.
The mixed union in charge of organizing public transport in the agglomeration planned in particular for a dry run around April of the same year. Only the health crisis and containment have been there and have delayed Tisséo’s projects.
After a first phase of technical tests last July, the Téléo site is continuing. Despite the delay, the manufacturer Poma does not intend to finish the site in a hurry. “You must not go too fast if you want to avoid technical problems”, commented Jean-Michel Lattes, relying on the example of the Brest cable car, which has had a series of breakdowns since it opened. Last phase before the inauguration of Téléo, a white walk will precede the commissioning of the device in order to guarantee the safety of the installation.
A project worth 82.4 billion euros
With this cable car project, Tisséo carries the promise of a less congested metropolis. The Téléo must extend over a 3-kilometer route, making it the longest urban project in France. Its objective is to improve service to several major activity centers in less than 10 minutes. A saving of time which should concern thousands of Toulouse residents every day.
It is the central link in the future southern belt, which will link Colomiers to the Montaudran district, with express bus lines connected on either side of the cable car. Fully funded by Tisséo Communities, Téléo mobilizes a budget of 82.4 billion euros of which 5.2 billion are subsidized by the State and 6.6 billion by the Occitanie Region and the European Union.
>> READ ALSO: Toulouse: a new bus line to link the Oncopole to Colomiers