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Despite proposals made by the operator of the TCL network, a new TCL event is scheduled for Thursday, September 30. The strikers have already repeated, hammered, chanted. “This strike movement will not stop without a strong gesture from the management.”

A new TCL strike is preparing for this Thursday, September 30, as confirmed by TCL bus drivers. Already mobilized on September 20 to denounce “dangerous working conditions And an increase in insecurity, the strikers determined, once again, to make their demands heard. Another subject pointed out: a revaluation of the wages necessary in view of these incivilities suffered, endured, by the drivers.

Incivility and lack of security: the heart of the demands

The first demonstration was started, spontaneously, on September 12 by employees, and this “in reaction to the shots fired against the windshield of a colleague on the 1st”, recalled the collective of animation of the strike. in a press release. Added to that, another incident that occurred on Sunday September 26th. A TCL bus was the target of projectiles around 10:30 p.m., while it was traveling in the district of Saint-Rambert, in Lyon (9th). In service, the vehicle from line 31 was hit several times by projectiles, rue Albert Falsan. The driver had to be taken to hospital because he was slightly injured by shards of glass. So many facts that have led several employees to organize ” punch actions “.

“We no longer want to risk our life to earn it badly!, collective animation of the strike

Measures at 3 million euros all refused

But since the start of the movement, the network operator, Keolis, has spoken regularly with a delegation of drivers in addition to the trade unions. Discussions opened on several proposals. Only, ” the proposal for an agreement made by the management on Monday, September 27 in order to put an end to the movement was very largely rejected by the strikers “, indicates the collective. A series of measures – which represent nearly 3 million euros – responding to issues related to safety, working conditions and the remuneration of agents, have been proposed, without success. , the network operator wanted to extend the system which coordinates accompanying drivers with a mediation profile throughout the sector, Despite the refusal of the strikers, Keolis undertakes to “go to the end of this measureAt the same time, internal security measures will also be reinforced.

A first deemed too weak

Regarding remuneration, an exceptional purchasing power bonus awarded to all non-managerial staff was also part of the proposals. The operator was therefore ready to pay each month, a sum of 100 euros over a period from September to December. Here too, the collective did not find satisfaction: ” this bonus does not meet the major demand of this movement: the increase of 200 euros in the base salary. We no longer want to risk our life to earn it badly!

The lines disrupted this Thursday, in detail:

Metro :

  • The line of metro C will circulate with a frequency of 11 minutes instead of 5 to 7 min

Tamway :

  • The line T1 will run with a frequency of between 11 to 13 minutes, instead of 5 to 7 minutes.
  • Line T2 will run with a frequency of between 10 to 11 minutes, instead of 4 to 7 minutes.
  • Line T3 will run with a frequency of between 9 to 13 minutes, instead of 6 to 9 minutes.
  • Line T4 will run with a frequency of 10 minutes, instead of 8 to 9 minutes .
  • The line T5 will only circulate from 4:30 p.m. a 11 p.m., with a frequency of 12 minutes.
  • Line T6 will run with a frequency of 20 minutes, instead of 10 minutes .
  • The line T7 will only circulate from 4:30 p.m. a 10:15 p.m., with a frequency of 7 minutes.


  • The following lines will circulate with lighter frequencies:
    C1, C2 C3, C5, C6E, C8, C9, C10, C11, C13, C14, C15, C15E, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C24, C25, C26, 2, 3, 9, 10 , 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 37, 40, 43, 45, 52, 54, 60, 62, 67, 70, 71, 77, 89, 90, 93, 98, S6.

The following lines will be limited:

  • Line C6 will only run between Campus Lyon Ouest and Gare de Vaise (frequency of 15 minutes).
  • Line C7 will circulate between South and Jean Hospitals Mass (frequency of 15 minutes).
  • Line C12 will only circulate between Hospital Feyzin Vénissieux and Jean Mass (frequency of 12 minutes).
  • Line 31 only runs between Cité Edouard Herriot and Gare de Vaise (frequency of 12 to 20 minutes).
  • The line 33 only runs between Rillieux the Alagniers and To cook.
  • The line 88 will run only between Gare d ‘Oullins and Hospitals South (frequency of 15 minutes).

The following lines will not run not :

C4, 5, 7, 8, 10E, 14, 15E, 16, 17, 27, 34, 35, 39, 46, 49, 55, 57, 63, 65, 66, 68, 73, 76, 78, 80, 81, 85, 87, 89D, 95, S1, S4, S9, S11, S12, S15, PL1, PL2, PL3.

As for the subways, some drivers will take part in the rally as specified by a striker driver, Tuesday, September 28, on the site. Or, “all lines will run normally, indicated to the network operator Kéolis, with the exception of metro C, which runs at a frequency of 11 minutes. As for the other bus lines, as well as the Junior Direct school lines, they will run normally. The 5 sales offices will be open at the usual hours despite a high rate of striking agents affiliated to this sector. Keolis called on employees working in other departments and having received training, which enables them to welcome users within the branches.



