the throwaway culture takes another step forward

the throwaway culture takes another step forward

In San Marino the rhetoric of the right to abortion and the “liberation” of women has won. Sunday in the small and ancient Republic that takes its name from the Saint who founded it the referendum to legalize the termination of pregnancy passed with a very large majority of 77.3% Yes against 22.7% against. The turnout was about 41% of those who voted, which is an indication of a people perplexed and far from an issue that has come out of the public debate.

The culture of waste denounced by Pope Francis takes a step forward despite the proposals of the State of San Marino to take charge of troubled pregnancies. Don Gabriele Mangiarotti, in charge of the school pastoral care of the local diocese, spoke of a feigned freedom of self-determination that has prevailed over the culture of life, “A very serious fact that raises the question of education, starting from reason and awareness of the value of every human life”.

For Catholics, as well as for believers, it opens up a season of commitment to life which must be addressed on a cultural level. It is with reason that it proves that the weakest and most defenseless subject is the unborn child in the womb; in fact, faith can strengthen what science already demonstrates on its own, namely that the human being is a continuum from fertilization to natural death and there is an uninterrupted process of development, during which the person relates to the rest of the world starting from mother, with whom he not only has an emotional exchange but also a biological and hormonal one.

We must therefore contaminate every field of culture and society, only after this patient work will it be possible to think about supporting men and women who can change deadly and nihilistic laws. Those who want to reduce pregnancy to a private fact and leave women alone in a decision have already lost on the ethical level but the hood of the single ultraliberal thought, now become a sort of modern dogma, to many people of common sense, sincerely open to life, of reject abortion policies.

The emotions of prenatal life, the social value of every birth, the importance of the birth rate for a society that wants to be fruitful and welcoming to everyone, the presence of an unrepeatable human being with his DNA from conception, trauma and wounds told by a woman who did theexperience of an abortion, the altruistic possibility of carrying a pregnancy to term without the obligation to recognize a child, the role of welfare and the proximity of public institutions to women in difficulty are all questions that can and must break through the mind and heart even the most atheist citizen in this world.

San Marino is just the latest in a list of countries – including Argentina, New Zealand and some US states – which have greatly expanded the legislative framework of abortion practice during the pandemic. Paradoxically it was answered with death in a situation where life has been in danger for everyone and while health systems have tried to save as many people as possible.

But it is precisely on the part of those who have experienced the most harmful effects of abortion policies that they seem to arrive at a decision of the opposite sign. Communist China, after decades of one-child policy that has produced gender-selective abortions (which have caused a gap between males and females) and a drastic aging of the population, in recent days has launched a squeeze on abortions, in order to reduce voluntary terminations of pregnancy “not for therapeutic purposes”. The measure is contained in the new guidelines for improving the “reproductive health of women” and stems from the need to encourage families to have more children, in order to counteract the decline in births in the country.

Of course it must be said that the new policies of Beijing regarding abortion they are not motivated by ethical reasons but from utilitarian purposes linked to the stability of the Chinese economy and social system. Yet it must be recognized that thea history of humanity runs through twisted paths and contradictory but in the end they cannot do without the primal force of life that comes from the encounter between a man and a woman.

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