“Super proud to have been able to represent Luxembourg”

“Super proud to have been able to represent Luxembourg”

Create a business where there are different generations, where younger people are older people and vice versa. This is the challenge Clémentine Offner and 19-year-old Ivo Silva had to take up during the EuroSkills in Graz (Austria). The European career championship brought together 400 candidates, including ten from Luxembourg.

“Before the competition, we had studied the various UN sustainable development goals,” recalls Clémentine. They then had three days to find a business idea and present it to a jury under different aspects: marketing, finance, target customers. All in English. “It is not our mother tongue, so that added a difficulty”.

“On such a learned!”

The two young students imagined a service that allows, for example, foreign students from the University of Luxembourg to be accommodated with retired people in exchange for help with new technologies. Their idea won them the bronze medal, behind Russia and Austria.

“We are super proud to have been able to represent our country and to see our work rewarded,” says Clémentine. It was one of the best experiences of my life. We have learned so much: to work with stress, to face the competition. It is an unforgettable experience ”.

(Marion Mellinger / The essential)

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