no more home visits during the day

no more home visits during the day

SOS Médecins has been asking for a revaluation of home visits for several weeks. This Monday, September 27, the associations ceased their activities for 24 hours. In Normandy, the mobilization continues.

According to the SOS Médecins federation, “all 63 associations and their 1,300 general practitioners have stopped their activity altogether“This Monday, September 27. For several weeks, she has been calling for a revaluation of home visits, an activity of which she provides a large part (3 million visits per year claimed) and which she considers threatened with disappearance, for lack of attractiveness. She received in her fight the support of the Confederation of French medical unions (CSMF) which called “the government to hear this cry of alarm and resolve this problem as quickly as possible“.

In Cherbourg, the mobilization started two weeks ago. The North Cotentin association has stopped its visits in “institution“: custody, prison, Ehpad.”On a letter from the director of the CPAM de la Manche and another from the director of ARS Normandy with an end of inadmissibility. Basically: very good, on received the message, on forwarding. No meeting or discussion proposal », Indicated Christophe Marchenay, president of SOS Médecins Cherbourg.

An attentive ear (finally)

For the first time, the association met, for the first time, an attentive ear in the person of the sub-prefect. “We blocked the rue de la préfecture for a while to show off. It went well, it was a demonstration with 12 or 13 cars, we did not disturb too much“, laughs the doctor. An interview with a representative of the State and no requisition, unlike other territories, SOS Médecins”wants to see it as a mark of “support” and respect for our movement. But it is not moving forward.

Not quite. At the end of this day of strike, the SOS Médecins federation obtained two meetings next week (first week of October), one at the office of the Ministry of Health, the other with the director of the Fund. National Health Insurance. A very first contact since the call launched by SOS Médecins at the beginning of August. However, nothing is won and several associations, “between 15 and 20“, have decided to keep up the pressure. Including Cherbourg.

The Normans united

On the front line in terms of mobilization, the Cherbourg association is now joined by its counterparts from the rest of the region. “Our colleagues from Caen and Rouen found it relevant to step up the pressure given the situation and the lack of response.“, says Christophe Marchenay,”We are united at the regional level and we have started stopping visits in continuity of care, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday to Friday, and Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon.” In summary : “all daytime tours“.

Despite the proximity to medical schools, Rouen and Caen, according to Christophe Marchenay, are facing the same recruitment problem as Cherbourg. “The point of view is shared on the fact that if we were at this price, the visit of the day will no longer be carried out by the associations of SOS Médecins. If we want to continue to have an activity, to be able to recruit and at least to be able to consult, we will perhaps have to move on to the stage where, to recruit, we will say: guys, don’t worry, during the day we will only do consultation», Says the president of SOS Médecins Cherbourg.

The youngest, when they look at the store with us, how it goes, and they look at a health center, it is not what seems the most “comfortable” when you want to sit down, to relax. fitter“, says Christophe Marchenay, who must also deal with the wear and tear of certain partners,”the oldest, who have given a lifetime to work night and weekend shifts – in the month of October, it is on average between one and zero weekends available per partner – and that I have struggling to keep motivated.

For the time being, no end date for the “strike” movement at SOS Médecins. The mobilization reserves at least until the appointments scheduled next week at the Ministry of Anti- and the National Health Insurance Fund.



