Dozens injured in Sweden building explosion | The Canberra Times

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Four people have been seriously injured in an explosion and fire in the city of Gothenburg and the police are investigating whether an explosive device was placed on the site. At least 16 people were taken to hospital after the explosion early on Tuesday morning ignited an apartment building in a central residential area. Firefighters pulled people from the building while others used tied sheets to lower themselves from balconies as gray smoke streamed out of stairwells and windows. Three women and a man were treated for serious injuries, says a spokesman for Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Sweden’s public radio radio SR reported that about 25 people had been taken to hospitals around Sweden’s second largest city. The Nordic country has struggled with rising gang crime in recent years, with rival groups using explosives and firearms to solve points. “It is terrible,” Interior Minister Mikael Damberg told the TT news agency. “I have great confidence in the Police Authority and that it uses all the resources required to find out what has happened.” Police said the fire was under control and that tenants had been evacuated. The rescue service rules out a gas leak as the cause. “We believe that something has exploded that is not for natural reasons,” police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg told a news conference, adding that something “probably” had been placed at the scene of the explosion. The rescue service said they were working to put out fires in the apartment building. They refrained from speculating on the cause of the explosion. Anja Almen, who lives in the building, said she heard a commotion from the street shortly after five o’clock, about 15 minutes after the explosion. “I went out on the balcony and I was shocked. There was smoke everywhere, from every stairwell,” she said by phone from a nearby church to which she and other tenants were evacuated. “Fire trucks with ladders pulled people from apartments.” Australian Associated Press




