Sort your closet with The Good Goods

Sort your closet with The Good Goods

Sort through its signs. This step can sometimes seem insurmountable to us, but it is essential.
It is a beneficial exercise on many points besides. From an environmental point of view, it effectively separates parts that you never wear to upgrade them elsewhere. On the wallet side, by making the most of your wardrobe, you reduce your desire to shop at all costs. Good point also for the mental load because storage is easier on a daily basis, as well as the exercise of suitcases and clothing in the morning!

Comment effectively?

Take the time for a good sorting. Allow about half a day to get everything out of your closet, making choices, and tidying up in one go.
When you have taken out all your clothes, you will have to divide them into 3 piles.
The first dedicated to those you wear all the time and which you bring to the fore.

The second is for clothes that you are not sure if you want to part with them. This is the most complicated step where you will have to juggle between your rational side and your internal compass.
Know that there are always good and bad reasons to keep a garment, here are some to take stock before your sorting.

The good reasons

You love it, but a difficult task is preventing you from wearing it: take it to a professional ecological dry cleaner.
Ditto if the part has a small hole, go to a tailor.
You can also decide to keep a vintage piece: a treasure that will never appear again!

The wrong reasons

The first: the garment is not in your size but you hope to change your morphology soon. You don’t like it but it could be trending again. Sometimes it’s the price of the garment that prompts you to keep it in your wardrobes. Know that the cost of use unamortized by leaving it in the closet is much higher than the cost of purchase! It’s time to get a good deal on a second hand site.

In short, you will understand that this second stack is the toughest. Arm yourself with patience and courage.

Regarding the third pile of clothes: it is much simpler. You drop off all those you can’t get rid of without a qualm!

Finally, don’t forget to donate your clothes to the right place for another gesture in favor of the environment. Bet on Refashion collection points for example, or applications like Mooms or Redonner?
You can also resell them on a second hand platform!
So let’s go for the sorting.

The ethical fashion minute with Victoire Satto every month on Radio Monaco!

Learn how to sort efficiently with The Good Goods

Author Giulia Testaverde

Journalist-Host, I accompany you every morning from 9h to 12h with Feel Good! The relaxation and well-being break to fill up with good vibrations! Discover yourself and open up to the world with development staff, the environment or even great news with coaches: this is the “Feel Good” program. To make sure you don’t miss anything, subscribe to podcasts by searching for Radio Monaco Feel Good (spotify, ausha, deezer …)



