San Marino legalizes abortion and infuriates Adinolfi

San Marino legalizes abortion and infuriates Adinolfi

Mario Adinolfi is not there. The journalist, founder of the Popolo della Famiglia, vents on social networks after the two referendums held in San Marino and Switzerland. In the small Republic, wedged in the heart of central Italy, the referendum by majority vote has, in fact, legalized abortion. The Swiss, on the other hand, again via referendum, said yes to the possibility of contracting civil marriage even for same-sex couples. Two decisions that Adinolfi comments harshly.

Mario Adinolfi

San Marino has therefore chosen to decriminalize abortion. Practice that in the small republic was still considered a crime until yesterday. The result of the referendum is unequivocal, which saw those in favor of decriminalization triumph with 77.3% of the votes. It should be added that the turnout was only 41.1% of those eligible. Even if in San Marino there is no quorum to be reached in the referendums. With the law in force neglected, San Marino women cannot have an abortion even if in danger of life. The penalty is imprisonment from 3 to 6 years. Now, however, it will be possible to request the termination of pregnancy up to the twelfth week of gestation.

Switzerland, on the other hand, has approved gay marriage. The referendum calling for the extension of civil marriage to homosexual couples was approved by 64.1% of the voters. And all 26 Swiss cantons, even those considered more traditional, have expressed their support for the amendment of the Civil Code.

Two news, those coming from San Marino and Switzerland, which disturbed Mario Adinolfi’s sleep. The leader of the People of the family, certainly not new to controversy and TV squabbles on these divisive issues, shows up on his Twitter profile. “By referendum they have decided on ‘marriage’ between gays (in Switzerland) and abortion (in San Marino). – chirps furiously – We would like euthanasia and free drugs. If you are among those who say four clear-cut no to this dangerous nonsense, on Sunday you can only vote People of the family ”, also campaigning in view of next Sunday’s local elections.

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