San Marino. A photo to condemn violence against women
Daniela Moroni Fotografie, in collaboration with the Union of San Marino Women, presents the project “San Marino against violence against women”.
November 25 is the International day against violence against women. Gender-based violence affects women, but it also involves minors and girls.
“I am convinced that violence is not fought with images that show violence, nor are women removed from the role of victims if they insist on representing them as such – she declares Daniela Moroni Photographs on Facebook -. For this reason, to celebrate this day and promote respect for women, on 2 and 3 October 2021 I make my studio available to photograph anyone (men, women, children) who wants to participate and make their contribution to this cause“.
Participation is free. The portraits are individual.
Requirements: maximum punctuality; a message about the theme that will be shown in front of you during the photo. It can be your thought, a slogan, the phrase of a famous person. The important thing is that it concerns non-violence against women or equal opportunities and equality between men and women. The message must be short.
The photographs will be published, it is therefore necessary to sign a release.
For info and registration: website
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